1. Blacks' performance at basically everything is inferior because slavery made Blacks think they were not as capable as the White man. You can think your way into anything. This weekend I plan to think my way into the safe at the local Wells Fargo.
2. Jim Crow did the same thing. If you separate two races in the same country and one race fails appallingly while the other does not, the successful race must be blamed. A sense of inferiority is responsible, just like how humans are responsible for the low IQ of cuttlefish with our presumptuous claims that our species is more capable than theirs. If we just raise cuttlefish like people, we will see that they are just as smart as us. They even throw up their arms and turn red in frustration sometimes! See, they're just like us. Now we just need to teach little Cuttly to breathe air and free him from his internalized aquaticism. I promise it will work.
3. Ignore all the evidence that self-esteem has no effect whatsoever on school performance or IQ. Also ignore the evidence that blacks have very high self-esteem compared to other races in the US. It's self-esteem, okay?
4. Everything you Whites have, Blacks should have had and would have had if the White man had not killed their self-esteem. You bastards!
5. The White man is dirty, but hating him makes you clean. With the cleansing power of this hate you are released from the oppressive responsibilities of finding a job, mating or bathing.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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