David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The Federal Reserve Bank is evil, rotten and monstrous. America is in serious debt trouble. Karl Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO has been fulfilled in the United States. The ultimate goal of Communism is a global government, aka, a New World Order. Nazism and Communism are simply two different legs headed in the same direction. Whether it be religion, the economy or the government, we're all headed for a New World Order.
Everything that we see happening in America today is the same totalitarian type tyranny and abuse that happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. When a government starts spying on it's citizens, tyranny is here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Use StartPage for your web searches, because they DON'T record your IP address. Google, Yahoo, MSN and other mainstream companies are all working with the government. Read this StartPage article. I've seen numerous videos on YouTube banned, videos of U.S. congressman speaking before the house, banned because of the sensitivity of the information. The truth is frightening. YouTube is owned by Google and they are censoring the truth. I can only wonder how much longer it will be before all websites are censored by new laws being passed in America. CIA and Google are Teaming Up for More Spying. Google, Yahoo and other search engines RECORD every IP address, where you search and the results you view. You are being spied on every time you go onto these websites.
Not only that, Google and Yahoo openly admit that they spy on your e-mails, searching for key words in your e-mails to match up advertisements with your messages. Most people just click on the lengthy agreement without reading through it. You are being suckered. These companies are spying on you. There's no free meals in life. That free e-mail account is all being recorded into a mainframe computer, forever retained for all you know, and the government is collecting information on every American. There are only 300,000,000 people in America. One mainframe computer can handle the information on all those people. So just imagine what the government can do with a network of THOUSANDS of computers all working together to spy on you!!! Oh, and watch out for the eco spy kids!
And now the government wants to computerize all medical records. Everything about you is going to be stored and retained on a series of government computers. Although some of these new technologies do offer many benefits, they are all a double-edged sword that also introduce many risks to our privacy and freedoms as Americans. You know as well as I do that Homeland Security and the greedy corporations are going to exploit these technologies.
How about a forced rectal exam for simply getting injured at work?
Everywhere you go on the internet is recorded. Every cellphone call you make is going to be recorded. Even if your cellphone is off, you may be monitored through it. Every transaction you make is recorded. Every letter you send to any government agency is scanned and recorded into a database. Your baby's blood type is recorded at birth. All U.S. passports now contain RFID's chips, allowing people to be scanned and tracked. Mass-chipping has begun.
Voicemail messages are influencing court custody decisions. Text voice messages are being recorded. Anybody can tape you with a pocket recorded, which records high-quality MP3's up to 100-hours. How about spying Teddy bears?