Anonymous Coward #fundie

The Rainbow is the sign of the Son of Man like in the times of Noah!!!!

It makes perfect sense. What is happening in the US with rainbow flags everywhere is the sign. Its not a good sign but a sign that things are really getting started. With marriage being a holy joining of a man and woman becoming one, the passage of the LGBT marriage law countrywide truly shows that the US is turning away from God. LGBT people are just that, people, who deserve love and respect, but they have lost their pathway to God. The rainbows everywhere in a celebration of what is wrong in God's eyes is a grim and somewhat sacreligious sign post of what is to come.

It may not be a flood, but as it says in Revelation, no one is going to like what is coming; God's wrath is never pretty and its going to be even worse than anything ever before. I pray you all come to God through Jesus and will be protected from harm and accept everlasting life and the relief of all negative things we all experience in life with profound joy and communion with God.

Between the signs in the sky with blood moons on Jewish Feast Days, conjunction between planets that haven't been seen in 2000 years, the growing persecution of Christians worldwide, the rise of Muslim extrematism, the rise of open Satanic practices, the diseases, the earthquakes, the immorality of the world...don't you think its time you and the world woke up to what is as plain as the nose on your face to faithful Christians?

Everyone is going about their lives, business as usual, and there is such tension, such a growing feeling of something immense and powerful about to happen...please accept Jesus as your savior and step into God's love before its too late. God bless us all. I don't know when or where or how it will go down when it begins, but I would pay attention to the roadmap in the form of the Bible that has fulfilled each and every word of prophecy uttered in it as God's Word will be the companion to guide us in things to come. Just know His wrath is coming.

Please, please stop being stubborn and open up your heart to Him, submit to God completely and fully, and let yourself be filled with His love and protection. He will save you and make you whole. Lord, please be with us and help lead more people to your Son, Jesus that we may be found worthy and forgiven for our sins through His sacrifice. In His name we pray, Amen!



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