So in order to deny God, one has to literally deny reality because God's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest. And because God has to be invisible to be eternal since everything visible is finite because we can see its beginning and its end, then jsut because you can't see God doesn't at all mean he doesn't exist.! Looking for God among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!
I thought your god was omnipotent. As such, he could make himself visible and settle this "existence" argument once and for all. Instead he keeps on hiding, like a creepy kid who can't say hello to a house guest.
There you go Carico. My analogy beats yours hands down.
I thought that was why you went to a 'men's club', hur, hur, hur.
And my fundie translator's broken, where can I get a new one?
So in order to deny God, one has to literally deny reality because God's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest.
No, one just has to deny God's existence is inherent in every single thing, etc. Reality is unaffected.
Looking for God among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!
God doesn't have to be visible to prove His existence. All He has to do is fill the sky with heavenly angels, or make a second sun, or part the Atlantic on national television or some such clear violation of the laws of physics.
"So in order to deny FSM, one has to literally deny reality because FSM's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest. And because FSM has to be invisible to be eternal since everything visible is finite because we can see its beginning and its end, then jsut because you can't see FSM doesn't at all mean he doesn't exist.! Looking for FSM among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!"
"So in order to deny God, one has to literally deny reality because God's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest."
No one who believes in God would deny him. No one who doesn't believe in God would do anything but deny him.
I do not see anything of your God inherent in anything.
"And because God has to be invisible to be eternal since everything visible is finite because we can see its beginning and its end, then jsut because you can't see God doesn't at all mean he doesn't exist.!"
You haven't read your OT have you, Carico. Over and over the OT claims God was seen by people.
Of course there are things invisible to humans that DO exist, but we have evidence proving that those things exist.
"Looking for God among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!"
So, because you CAN'T see God, that means he exists?
Someone looking for women in a men's club would complain that there are no women around (not claim) as anyone who would do that does so because they think the idea of exclusive men's clubs are sexist. So, that's just as bad as an example as everything else out of your mouth - We can't see god even though biblical people claimed to and because they said they did we must not only take them at their word but accept tht it's insane for all people (past and present) to be able to see him and thus prove them right or wrong even though by your logic it was impossible for them to do so in the first place. I mean, what the fuck? Do you even bother reading the crap that comes out of your head?
In order to afirm God with conviction, first learn to write properly. Second, God can´t be seen because he´s eternal?, what about the music, is it eternal?, or time, is it eternal?, are you confusing eternal with abstract?. And the last metaphore is ludicrious. Many women are in men´s clubs nowadays. Anyway, if not in a men´s club, you can find them anywhere else, you don´t have to have faith for that. Finally, all your thesis debases the first line. It´s just your opinion and a good degree of speculation.
"So in order to deny God, one has to literally deny reality because God's existenece is inherent in every single thing in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest."
"Looking for God among finite things is as ludicrous as looking for women in a men's club then claiming there are no woman around!"
Silly, silly Carico...can't even recognise when he/she's contradicting his/her own argument.
Premise: God exists, and is everywhere.
Premise: Reality exists.
Conclusion: God exists.
You've wasted your time on a second premise, and then went on to conclude what you had already stated in your first premise.
Does anyone take this guy seriously, even on CARM?
There are plenty of women around in a men's club. You can't see them because they're under the tables. But there's evidence of their presence, if you know where to look. :b
This is kind of like the "you can't see the wind but you can feel its presence" argument, isn't it?
I mean, you can't see the hooker under the table, but you can feel her presence. I mean, when it's your turn....
Your facts aren't, your analogy makes no sense, and half of that statement was crap you made up.
"God exists because you can't prove he does" is a ridiculous argument, anyway. Just to keep my sanity intact, I'm going to assume that by "God" you mean "the invisible underwear fairy."
Stop typing, before you make yourself look even more ridiculous.
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