The corruption of animals was not sexual, at least in most cases. I could see how there may have been some monkey business there, just look at the chimps! As for all animals needing to be killed, I would say this, as my opinion. - They were made for man to start with, as was the universe, best I can tell. So, as man goes, so goes the animals, so to speak. If we needed to have a planet flooded to kill man, the animals also would have to die. Man's animals, then, had to go the way of man, except for the ones that could be saved. And, once again, it was on man's boat! The animals again were there for us, now, even to kill and eat as man needed. Animals should be happy they are of use. That being said, I will say I am all for the proper and kind treatment of all animals, and creatures of all sorts, as much as is possible. I hate the way, for example, personally, chickens are treated, often, in big barns, all quite unnatural. Etc.
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