Speaker of the House Boehner must stop crying, get a pair, man-up and convene a special panel to begin IMPEACHMENT hearings for the high crimes and misdemeanors of OBOZO on the following grounds:
- the illegal sestak and romanoff job offers,
- CRONY CAPITALISM with GE, Goldman Sachs, GM, GovernmentOOGLE, solyndra and hundreds of others,
- blatant extortion of money from a company (BP),
- intentional failure to protect our borders a requirement of his oath of office,
- willfully ignoring the legal rulings of the courts,
- funneling massive amounts of taxpayer money to unions that then illegally kick-back money to the d-cRAT socialists,
- unilaterally and illegally gutting the work requirement in welfare reform legislation,
- making campaign videos in the White House in violation of FEC rules,
- intentional failure to enforce immigration laws and the intimidation of any state or law enforcement agency that does try to enforce them,
- unilaterally and illegally refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act,
- unconstitutional NON-recess appointments,
- unconstitutional/unlawful military action in Libya,
- DOJ acceptance and encouragement of Blank Panther voter intimidation,
- unconstitutional attacks on religious freedom in violation of the 1st Amendment,
- outrageous race-base law enforcement by the DOJ,
- serving as an accomplice to murder of four Americans in Benghazi and his massive cover-up of the facts of this atrocity,
- serving as an accomplice to murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (and thousands of mexicans) from his ILLEGAL gun-running operation of Fast and Furious and his massive cover-up of the facts of this atrocity,
- his use of the IRS to harass and attack conservative American as an act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM by his administration,
– and his many, many, many other offenses against America and the US Constitution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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