*And why in the world are you bringing up pedophiles? That has nothing to do with abortion*
That's like asking why would you bring up the color blue in describing the sky!
Oh, wonderful... the guy's also a fan of posting graphic abortion pictures everywhere.
Dude, yeah, it looks horrific. So does open-heart surgery, I would imagine.
That's like asking why would you bring up the color blue in describing the sky!
No, thats like having a debate about Global Thermo Nuclear War and bringing in a tray of brightly painted fish.
I think that this guy confuses pedophilia(a concrete sexual deviation, which is the molestation of children)with any abuse inflicted on them. I would have rather submitted it, plus what he said afterwards, that the "experts"(in what field?)say that pedophiles wait in PP clinics to do their part(an obvious lie in the whole sense of the word). It would give a complete idea his error and delusion(I would do the same with many other posts. For example that of the "Dr" in Iraq that says that men can marry girls as young as 8 and that women in hot countries mature at 22. He later on says that no girl older than 10 or 12 is virgin in the Western world). They are no poes, they're just misinformed.
That's like asking why would you bring up the color blue in describing the sky!
No, it's like bringing up transmission repair in describing the sky. The two have nothing to do with each other.
duh it's simple: since all abortion is bad, and all pedos are bad, it's only logical to conclude that while not all aborted babies are pedos (since they're fetuses), ALL pedos are abortionists!
Through the bible and prayer, the truth will come to you.
Pedophilia is a buzzword, unfortunately. If your opinion has no proof or is standing on weak logic, you gain ground by comparing your opponent to a pedophile. Either that or Hitler, both work just as well.
Hate to break it to you, sonny, but, if you look closely, the sky isn't really blue.
I think that this guy confuses pedophilia(a concrete sexual deviation, which is the molestation of children)with any abuse inflicted on them.
Actually, pedophilia is a psychology term designing a sexual and/or romantic attraction to children, nothing more nothing less. Molestation of children is child rape/molestation/sexual abuse, and using "pedophilia" to refer to such crimes is an abuse of language that irks me to no end. On a side note, most child rapists are not pedophiles in the clinical sense, simply rapists choosing the most vulnerable victim they can find.
Pedophilia = Sexual attraction to kids
Abortion = The termination of a fetus before it becomes a newborn child.
The two would actually interfere with each other, if anything at all.
What alternate universe did the OP's statement COME from?
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