supersport #fundie

Evolutionists have dreamed up a whole theory based on mutations. Millions of them, we are told, have arisen randomly, for no reason -- without any beneficial direction -- only to be chosen later by natural selection. This dogma has been forced down our throats ad nauseam. But you would think, being so-called scientists, that evolutionists would have tested this assertion. Wouldn't it only be logical to test to see if the so-called "fit" mutations actually had deleterious effects on surrounding molecules? Well, I think that would only be fair. But have evolutionists bothered to test and/or report the details to the uninformed public in their books? Of course not. And do you know why? It's because the evolutionary scientific communtiy is largely immoral and simply cannot be trusted. Period. Their little pet theory is like an emotional security blanket to them, and they don't want people -- especially Christians -- taking away their nite-nite blankey.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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