seems when I try to talk about Atheism, all you wish to bring up is God?How contradictory is that?
I knew this fundie once and no matter what we would talk about, she would bring up god EVERY FREAKING TIME. No matter how unrelated the subject was, she always managed to bring up god and somehow tie him into the discussion. This is exaclty why I'm not surprised by this sort of bullshit table-turning.
I knew this fundie once and no matter what we would talk about, she would bring up god EVERY FREAKING TIME. No matter how unrelated the subject was, she always managed to bring up god and somehow tie him into the discussion.
These days, I have the same problem with World of Warcraft.
Did I mention that my Blood Elf paladin is level 44 now?
I knew this fundie once and no matter what we would talk about, she would bring up god EVERY FREAKING TIME. No matter how unrelated the subject was, she always managed to bring up god and somehow tie him into the discussion.
These days, I have the same problem with World of Warcraft.
Did I mention that my Blood Elf paladin is level 44 now?
Way back when I was in High School, I had a friend who would always change the subject to Ghengis Khan and the Mongels. If you mentioned World of Warcraft, he'd come back with how Ghengis Khan actually made war into a craft and used his Mongel horde to conquer the world...
We called him very wierd.
Well, actually, YOU bring it up. Atheists just respond.
After all, if they stayed silent, everyone would be as ignorant about them as you are.
that's just the subject.
you fail.
@The Jamo
"I knew this fundie once and no matter what we would talk about, she would bring up god EVERY FREAKING TIME. No matter how unrelated the subject was, she always managed to bring up god and somehow tie him into the discussion. This is exaclty why I'm not surprised by this sort of bullshit table-turning."
Yes, this is a huge trait of the fundie flocks. All of the Republican canidates this year, Tea-Party leaders, FoxNews hosts and guests, Right-wing celebraties of all stripes can't get through five sentences or a finished premise without name-dropping God or Jesus into the mix.
How many times on this site have we seen posts bemoaning the lack of God-talk and God-praising in society. They actually bitch about movies because people aren't praying or talking up God regularly.
Is it really that ingrained in their everyday speech patterns now? It must be for it to have become so used by those in power, to a Canadian it sound weird and unwarranted when someone outside of clergy rambles on off-topic about Christ.
I guess it's the Evangelical teachings, that the flock itself is to preach the word so that most fundies just incorporate it into everyday conversation to complete, with the least effort possible, their obligation to the church.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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