Leftist protest Occupy Wall Street is an ongoing anti-capitalism rally and rapists' and murderers' playground, beginning as an astroturfing campaign funded by a George Soros group called Adbusters, with the ultimate goal of replacing the United States Constitution with a form of government akin to communist totalitarianism. Invoked by Bill Ayers "Days of Rage," the first Occupy protest was staged on September 17, 2011 in New York City after months of planning by co-founder of SEIU Stephen Lerner. Occupy Wall Street protesters consist of radicals, anarchists, nihilists, college students, hippies, special interest groups, labor unions and vendors. They dislike capitalism, blame greed, Wall Street and the banks for economic hardship, and while claiming to be peaceful, occupiers have been seen spitting on U.S. Military personnel, committing acts of rage, violence, vandalism, arson, rape, drug use, public masturbation, public deification, littering, public nudity, public urination, rioting, and other acts of assault.
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