David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The Illuminati enjoy mocking our woeful ignorance. They mock us by placing occult symbols in plain site. They mock us in Hollywood movies. Such movies as “Independence Day” (1995), “Lies For Lambs” (2007) and recently in 2013, “Olympus Has Fallen” (starring Morgan Freeman). In “Independence Day” The White House is destroyed by aliens, but only after Jeff Goldblum's laptop counts down from 911. That's not mere coincidence. Movies contain tons of suggestive material placed there by the Illuminati. All Hollywood movie producers are members of occult groups.
The recent film “Olympus Has Fallen” shows terrorists taking over The White House and destroying it. In the film it is admitted that Wall Street bought The White House for $500,000,000. That's the truth in reality. Wall Street owns and controls Washington D.C. Our nation's leaders are bought and paid for by the globalist banking cartel. President Obama has already appointed 38 former Goldman Sachs' employees directly from Wall Street to government positions. And then they mock us with movies, dangling the truth right in front of us like a ribeye in front of a dog. The question is are you hungry for truth like I am? I look for truth, and so I find it. Everything is saturated these days with the occult, including this Paul McCartney tribute concert.