Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Re: LIGHT WORKERS, I ask for Knowledge of what Explains Beings of Florescent Blue Light
I see them too, they travel on blue light it seems. They pet my dog, crawl in portraits, act to hold some kind of a screen, fix or doctor or mess with peoples faces. Demons maybe? Angels?
One theory is expressed in the movie, "They Live." It's on UTUBE.
The way they petted the dog made me think they were kind. They range from two to 12 inches high. The small ones look male and have suction cups for hands and feet. I think seeing them is part of having the Holy Spirit, but I don't know.
They look like female figures for the most part in a brilliant, shining, florescent, see through body, and are quite beautiful.
Not at all like the owl Abaddon is showing. Abaddon I don't know what you are saying???? Know nothing about astrology, etc.
There was a huge electrical storm prior to Thanksgiving, 2010. I live far north, it was -20 the prior week, then it rained and stormed for days on top of the ice. After this I seemed to be electrically charged, forks were sticking to my hands, def weird. Then the world looked different, I felt like the Bible came alive and I could see the kingdom of God.
There is more, but later...
And I am a Christian, the blue ones seem oblivious to my commands for them to leave in Jesus name, like they are in another dimension. What is going on? Can anyone tell me?