[Proove to me, the existence of God, without using the bible.]
Prove to me that Iceland exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish.
Actually I would use an Atlas, and sattellite photos, and I would call someone who lives in Iceland, and look up the names of the governemnt, and look up Youtube videos of Iceland, and look at the census data on Iceland, and.....
As you can see Iceland has a ton of evidence that I can use to support the argument that Iceland exists.
God on the other hand only has the Bible, and the only support for the Bible is also the Bible, and thus is not permissable as evidence.
Atlas showing where Iceland is, photos of Iceland, Icelandic language, Google Earth... I think that would be a good start.
Prove to me that Iceland exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish.
Ok, but you have to pay for your own airliner ticket. Remind me to ask them for the no-dairy meal. Oh, and we're stopping at Amsterdam on the way there. I can't conceive of spending that much time in an airplane with a douchebag like you without getting high.
Perfidious Albion, prove to me that Narnia exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish.
That's about as sensible.
"Prove to me that Iceland exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish."
No thanks. I don't need Bronze Age mythology when I have state of the art satellites to do the work for me.
Image courtesy of NASA satellites, by the way. Once again, science and technology trump your little book of fairy tales.
Worth noting the previous entry:
"Cannot be done and even relying upon the Bible, or demonstrate its reliability and credibility in regards to SOME of its claims, primarily the historical claims, does not show, demonstrate, substantiate, or prove God's existence. In addition, relying upon the Bible to prove God's existence is a form of fallacious circular reasoning called Begging the Question.
This is why it is primarily, if not exclusively, faith oriented and it is what makes us Christians great. As we demonstrate an ability, a proclivity, to believe in the unseen. As Jesus told Thomas, "Blessed are those who have not seen me and yet believe." I want to emphasize not only believe in the unseen but believe in Jesus' divinity, his claims of being God, the only begotten son, the savior of humanity, as there is no evidence to prove these claims true."
Now that's my kind of Christian.
Y'know, there ARE other books you can read, other than the Bible, Albion. Ones that provide you with lots of useful information.
Ever heard of an Atlas?
Now, prove to me the existence of your brain. You CAN use the Bible, if you wish.
I've been to Iceland. I have pictures.
.. it wasn't as icy as you'd think from the name, but its definitely there.
Do you have pictures of God?
Prove to me that Iceland exists.
I think Albion's answer is a perfect example of the fundy stance. I get it. None of the FSTDT answers here prove anything at all to him, nor will any, ever.
"Prove to me 1 + 1 = 2 whilst I'm going LaLaLaLaLa and I will continue not to believe it."
I'll make you a deal, if I ever want you to deny people equal rights, physically abuse children or halt potential lifesaving scientific advances because Iceland says you have to, I'll take you there first.
@HoJuSimpson. Please don't bring up Bjork. We're trying to convince this person Iceland is NOT a magical fantasy land full of strange and improbable creatures.
"Prove to me that Iceland exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish."
Good point. Iceland is not mentioned in the bible, therefore, it does not exist. The USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, China et al are also not mentioned in the bible. therefore, they do not exist.
The same goes for electricity, germ theory, polar bears, calculus, the New York Stock Exchange, hot dogs, a sun-centered solar system, plate tectonics and a few other things.
Albion is not mentioned in the bible, therefore, Albion does not exist.
It's all so clear to me now.
There are a whole bunch of people still living there, and numerous pictures, including satellite maps identifying the exact size and location of Iceland.
God, however, has never been photographed, and cannot be seen from anywhere.
Brain failure imminent.
Exodus 4:5: And the Lord said unto Moses, the Vikings must surely be put to death, all of the army shall drive them from the land, and their boats shall be crushed by our mighty navy. But Thomas scoffed and said, prove Iceland exists. Then God made a huge mountain and brought him up there, and from there they could see the lands of Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Then Thomas saw their sexy women, and traveled there. He has been there ever since.
Thanks for playing.
Prove to me that Iceland exists. You CAN use the Bible if you wish.
You could, but Iceland isn't mentioned in it. There are, however, some scholars who think that Calypso's Island, mentioned in The Odyssey , is actually Iceland (according to my copy of the poem.)
Unless, of course, you're one of those people who means "Prove to me that it really exists, since I can doubt my senses." That might be a little difficult. :<
Horsefeathers: While incorrect, I still applaud your effort. I don't know how to use Google Maps like that!
All that this proves is that:
A) You fail at comparison
B) The Bible, 'written by god', is worse at Geography than the man-made internet because there is no Iceland in it.
@Bender Bending Rodriguez: Yes; "From whose womb comes the ice? Who gives birth to the frost from the heavens..." (Job 38:29), and a couple other places. (found by using biblegateway.com, I don't have it memorized)
@HorseFeathers, as a couple others have already pointed out; that's a picture of Greenland.
But anyhow; Iceland does exist. It's in the atlases, you can find it via Google Earth I'm sure, there are planes going to and fro every day, and loads more evidence which in total really leaves no doubt. Furthermore, I am Norwegian and my people, whose ancestors were, among others, the vikings. The vikings were among the first ever to settle on Iceland, and as such we can prove to have known about Iceland for quite some time. Iceland were even a part of Norway once - as were Greenland by the way.
One of my daughters lives in Rekjavik.
According to the Bible, there is nothing west of Egypt, north of Asia Minor, east of the River Euphrates and south of Saudi Arabia.
Fucking good altas, with equally good fairy tales as told by bronze age goat sodomisers.
I don't even have to look in an atlas or travel all that far to prove that Iceland * exists I only have to walk down the High Street here .
*In the UK there is a chain of frozen food shops called Iceland (awful cheap & nasty food by the way )
i have an idea, why dont we get together, maybe chat about icelands existance, maybe look at some satellite images, talk to some people who have been there, and *gasp* maybe even GO THERE TO SEE THAT IT EXISTS!!!!! WHAT A NOVEL IDEA!!!
wtf kind of logic are you using?????
We have exported goods to Iceland. Can't say I've seen the address "God, Heaven" on any transporting documents.
I also know people who are from Iceland. It's one of the Nordic countries, so it's a "sister-country" to my country.
I don't know how to use the Bible to prove Iceland exists, a musty old book whose writers hardly knew that England existed. (And they definitely did not know that America existed, the Vikings didn't get there until some 1000 years after the Bible was writen.)
Some 300,000+ people would like a word with you about their 'nonexistent' country. Speaking of which:
Well, I bet this fella wished that Iceland didn't exist.
(BTW, the answer is Reykjavik; as there is only one city in Iceland, thus it is the only answer. Also, the TV producers are wrong themselves, due to the bad spelling of that country's capital: 'C' instead of 'K'?!; and Icelanders are extremely protective about their language)
Not even your 'God' can pronounce 'Eyjafjallajökull'; indeed, that's one of the reasons why he doesn't exist: he'd rather leave you lot in the lurch, rather than bear the eternal shame of being inferior to those more learned than him.
The name of an Icelandic volcano: it's not just tanks that can fuck him up. [/Judges 1:19] >:D
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