Attilathehen #fundie

You are one degenerate cuck. You envy Derbyshire? WOW!!! Are you trying to import an Asian woman into the USA? People of different political view and races can love each? You sound like a teenager. I don’t respect liberal men because logically they are idiots. Blacks/Asians are inferior races so why would a Caucasian pollute his offspring’s bloodline? I listed facts about his worthless spawn and you consider them a fine family? WOW!!! I did give Derbyshire a chance. Asian genes can be recessive over time. What he would have to do is go to an AmRen conference and announce that he knows the West is best, being white is best and then his wife and children would have to go on stage and say the same thing. They would give thanks for being a part of the West. But when Derbyshire gave me his Stalin/Harding comparison, he basically stated that the Chinese are superior to whites. I don’t know if he realizes that the Japanese are smarter than the Chinese. The Japanese are still inferior to Caucasians/Europeans though



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