I've never understood how anyone could look at the beauty of a giraffe, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God did that! Or how anyone could look at the majesty of a tiger, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God made that tiger. I've never understood how anyone could look at a spectacular sunset, with all its brilliant colors and awe, and say, “Isn't evolution wonderful?” No, God is wonderful. With God's handiwork all around us, a person would literally have to not want the truth to remain ignorant. Evolutionists are willingly ignorant, and the Bible even says so, 2nd Peter 3:5, "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water." The universe was formed by the Word of God. Evolutionists are willingly ignorant of this self-evident fact.
Sunsets have nothing to do with evolution or any other biological science.
"Evolutionists" don't give a shit about what the bible says about anything, because they know it's all nonsense & would be far more useful as rolling papers.
Short Eyes, you & all the other worthless bible sniffers out there have no room to call anyone ignorant. Ever. If you want to see the living embodiment of ignorance, look in the mirror. Once you do that, go climb up the tallest building in Guam & hurl yourself off the roof. If you survive, do it again until you don't get up.
Find one textbook that says beauty is evidence of evolution.
I mean, a real one, not a creationist strawman.
And if beauty = God, does ugliness = NoGod?
Bone cancer. In children. ORPHAN children. Without access to medical attention. I never understood how anyone could know such things exist and find it meshed with their view of a benevolent god...
I've never understood how anyone could look at the beauty of a giraffe, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God did that! Or how anyone could look at the majesty of a tiger, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God made that tiger
God did that!
I've never understood
I believe you.
And don't forget, when you look at dog shit, think of how wonderful God is: he made that too:
It's interesting how they always forget dog shit.
As others have said, if beauty = proof of god, then does ugliness = proof of no god? So slugs, toads, flies, mandrills, etc. all prove that god either doesn't exist, or is just a cruel being. After all, why install humans with an unconscious idea that beauty equals goodness, and yet make so many good people unattractive?
Seriously, I consider myself a great and prideful lover of beauty, but even I hate that aspect of humanity.
On a side note, I find that it is nigh-impossible for me to create something that I consider ugly, no matter what it may be or what the context is. What I'm trying to say is that I don't understand why a benevolent god would create so much ugliness. Not just in appearance, but in concepts and mentalities as well.
All things dull and ugly,
All creatures short and squat,
All things rude and nasty,
The Lord God made the lot.
Each little snake that poisons,
Each little wasp that stings,
He made their brutish venom.
He made their horrid wings.
TIGER, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
The Cymothoa exigua is a parasitic louse that enters through a fish's gills and attaches itself to its tongue. It then severs the blood vessels to the tongue, causing it to fall off, and replaces it.
The Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a fungus that infests ants. The ants then go mad and leave their nests to find a place suitable for fungus growth, bite down on the underside of a leaf and wait there. The fungus then erupts through the ant's head to release spores.
The Nymphister kronaueri is a beetle that attaches itself to the waist of an ant an pretends to be its arse as a method of transportation.
Ah, the wonders of God.
I'll never understand how anyone could look at mosquitoes, biting flies, aggressive wasps, parasites, flesh-eating bacteria, Ebola, HIV, cancer, and say "God is good!"
I've never understood how anyone could look at a spectacular sunset, with all its brilliant colors and awe, and say, “Isn't evolution wonderful?”
That never happens because evolution has nothing to do with the beauty of sunsets. Unless you want to argue about how our eyes and brains developed. But you're confusing cosmology with evolutionary theory.
God = the universe. Like that it works. Other than that, mmmmh, well.....
There is more important than that. That you d'ont understnad does not mean it's wrong. It just means you don't understand. I don't understand quantum mechanics eitehr, but I know it's the most accurate theory we have to explain how atoms work. 'cause our world today is built upon that (electronics, especially)
"With God's handiwork all around us, a person would literally have to not want the truth to remain ignorant."
God said that the purpose of creating the sun was to light up the day.
The PURPOSE of the moon is to light up the night.
So if the moon eclipses the sun, that's defeating the sun's purpose.
If the moon is even in the sky during the day, it's failing its purpose.
With evidence of a creator god being incompetent all around them, a person would literally have to be a drooling idiot not to at least question the claims of scripture.
I just hate people who don't look at a tiger and say "oh my, isn't the Invisible Purple Unicorn wonderful!"
By the way, if you want to give your god the credit for sunsets you need to also give him (her? it?) the "credit" for tornadoes and hurricanes. If you want to give him (her? it?) the credit for tigers and giraffes then you also have to give him (her? it?) the "credit" for Ebola and anti-biotic resistant bacteria.
No, God did that!
Say to the face of this resident of Oklahoma in 2013 - after a two mile -wide tornado had hit that state - that he's wrong:
Aren't you just glad you're not in a certain part of the US mainland right now, eh Davey-boy...?! [/Hurricane Florence]
What happened then: as is right now. In the oh so Christian Midwest & 'Bible Belt' states. I guess he must favour the residents of a certain part of Los Angeles: the Castro district.
You know what that means...!
I kind of just want to stand in front of the giraffe enclose at the zoo while yelling, "EVOLUTION DID THIS! EVOLUTION! IT DID THIS!"
Just to see how long it would take for the police to be called.
I look at the awkwardness of a giraffe, and think "no intelligent god would have designed that on purpose".
image image
Do you look at God and think "beautiful, majestic, spectacular" and say "A bigger God did that!"? Why not?
Evolution is biology and has nothing to do with sunsets, dolt.
The Theory of Evolution explains HOW all the animals came to be as they are. That's knowledge.
You are satisfied with Goddidit, Kiddydiddler. That's ignorance.
The Earth standing out of the water and in the water? Earth is COVERED by water. Well, most of it is.
It's not a self-evident fact. Your god has exactly the same amount of evidence for his existence as all the other gods; none whatsoever. All they have are musty old books written in ancient, mostly dead languages.
Who formed God?
Giraffes are cute, that's one thing I'll agree with you on. Some creatures are not:
In a recent interview for the Radio times, the great David Attenborough discussed his opposition to creationism and was asked why he didn't give "credit" to God for the design of living things. He replied:
"They always mean beautiful things like hummingbirds. I always reply by saying that I think of a little child in east Africa with a worm burrowing through his eyeball. The worm cannot live in any other way, except by burrowing through eyeballs. I find that hard to reconcile with the notion of a divine and benevolent creator."
The disease David Attenborough is referring to is Onchocerciasis or River Blindness, caused by parasitic worms spread by blackfly of the family Simuliidae. These blackflies are found close to running water as the larvae feed by anchoring themselves to stream beds and then straining food out of the passing currents with little fans. The female flies feed on human blood and are able to pierce human skin to get it. In doing so they are able to pick up baby worms (microfilariae) living under the skin. The worms then penetrate the gut wall and migrate to the flight muscles where they mature into juveniles, then travel to the poor fly's proboscis (they don't do the fly much good either incidentally) where they mature again into infectious juveniles and are able to enter the human body in saliva the next time the fly takes a meal. They then set up home in the subcutaneous tissue where they become adults and start churning out more microfilariae. This may all sound a bit complicated but the take-home message is that both humans and flies are needed for the worm to complete its lifecycle. It is the microfilariae that cause all the problems, provoking strong immune reactions especially when they die. In the skin this can produce irritating or painful dermatitis, but if the worms migrate into the cornea they can cause blindness.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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