Wotans Krieger #fundie aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Before I was introduced to folkish Wodenism via an out of the blue flyer in the early 2000s (a coincidence full of meaning) I was concerned with esoteric christianity and eschatology (the study of the end times) and I looked for and preached the Second Coming of Christ. Now, many years after my spiritual and folkish awakening, which came to its full fruition via the teachings of Woden's Folk, instead of preaching the Second Coming I write about the coming Starker von Oben. In reality this cosmic figure can be called by any and all of these names which demonstrates to me that there are such things as objective not just subjective spiritual truths because this world figure is not confined to just one religion or people: He is a global figure.

It behoves us to study the sacred writings of these other religions and peoples for they contain a certain grain of truth regarding this mysterious end time figure. This is no coincidence for these writings contain dire warnings for the peoples of the Earth. Often founders of religions are prophets and forerunners of an even greater personage. Founders of religions are often persecuted. They are certainly hardly ever acknowledged during their earthly lifetimes and are generally mocked by the unbelieving. Of course Hitler, especially since the collapse of the Third Reich has been reviled and mocked to a degree which in my opnion is unprecedented. Of course one could argue that he was the founder of a religion: National Socialism but he was not just the founder of a religion but the very incarnation of a God. That God is Wotan.


Wotan's apparent 'possesion' of Hitler may be explained by the Aryan concept of the avatar. Hitler was not an ordinary man. He was born of a woman in order to fulfill a specific mission in the same sense that according to christians Jesus Christ did. By all appearances he was human, being born of woman but nevertheless his followers believe he was a God-Man incarnated in human flesh to fulfill a specific task. In this sense there is little qualative difference between Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ with the exception that we know Hitler to be a real historic personage. There is no such proof for the existence of Jesus Christ.

Recently there has been a concerted attempt by dark forces to undermine the founder of folkish Wodenism by ridiculing him and misrepresenting his teachings. This is to be expected for these same agents of dark forces fear the light. They delight in exposing others but they themselves will hide behind a false identity whilst they libel innocent people purely because they violently disagree with their teachings. This is to be expected. Far from eroding the knowledge that our teachings are based upon light and truth these desparate persecutors actually convince us that we are right!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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