Holy Roller #fundie christianforums.com
Why are unbelievers pro-abortion, but believers are against abortion?
We already know for a scientific fact that life begins at conception, and that human life begins once the woman's egg begins it's cellular division (meiosis) after fertilization.
Being armed with these scientific facts, why do the Atheists and the unbelievers do the non-scientific thing and adopt an arbitrary reference for their definition of life? Why does one (confused) unbeliever point to the first trimester and yell, "There!" and another (confused) unbeliever point to the second trimester and yell, "No, it's there!"
A third yet will withhold pointing the finger until the baby's head has completely emerged from its womb!
Is it that with the unbeliever politics will always trump reason? And if the unbeliever always allows politics to trump reason, what right does he have in saying religion is unreasonable?
Fellow-believers, do you think there's a cure for this deficiency of the human condition?