Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Why They Are Luring Russia Into WW3- Because Russia Is About To Release Zero Point Energy Tech That Will Make Oil Obsolete Ending The Petrodollar
This is why extra terrestrial contact has been kept secret. It has nothing to do with the fact that 'you couldn't handle the truth'. That is the excuse.
Because once they admit the contact it opens a whole can of worms. One of them is the energy and propulsion techs we currently posses but keep secret. The same ones the ETs use to get around.
They want to keep you on an oil leash and keep selling you oil. This should have ended 50 years ago.
Russia is about to spill the beans. The existing power greedy power structure wants to keep the status quo. They'll do anything to protect their power, including starting WW3 and bring the planet down with them.