Now the Boy Scouts admit girls.
That doesn't make sense does it, don't the girls have their own thing?
It makes perfect sense to me. The male organizations are always attacked and eventually can't restrict anyone from joining.
That doesn't happen with any female organizations
Ok, I dont really agree with the Boy Scouts admitting girls becuase we have Girl Scouts which I was a part of as a child and based on what my brother(a boy scout) told me the organizations are very different at all. So I'm not on board with that descicion but hey that is just me....
As for the last two lines, that is where you fail ass munch.
So much wrong in so little space.
I was a Girl Scout all the way through high school. As a high school student, I was one of two girl members on my council's board of directors. You could say Girl Scouts was a big influence in my formative. I am a feminist. I absolutely oppose this decision by the Boy Scouts. Full disclosure, I am not very fond of the Boy Scouts. When I was on my council's board of directors, we tried to do some joint programming with the Boy Scouts. They would only play ball if they could be in charge. I had the great misfortune to be a woman on a campus that was hosting the national Order of the Arrow conference. The boys and leaders behaved pretty much like your stereotypical horn dog frat boy. It was not fun. A lot of my female friends were made very uncomfortable by the experience.
1. They are not doing it to be politically correct or because of some great progressive bent on the part of the Boy Scouts. They are loosing membership. Instead of reaching out to the 90% of boys that Boy Scouts don't serve, they decided to focus on poaching girls. They are spreading false information about Girl Scouts at "family meetings."
2. This is not about making Scouting co-ed, and idea which has its pros and cons. Decisions will be made locally about whether to allow girls at all and then whether to have co-ed troops or a separate program for girls. Cub Scout "dens" (small groups within the larger pack) will be single sex.
Why would a feminist be ambivalent about co-ed Scouting when almost all other developed nations have co-ed Scouting? Because American's are incapable of approaching teen sexuality from a rational POV. The burden of preventing teen sexuality on co-ed overnight events would fall disproportionately on the girls. If Americans were more rational about that, I would be all for co-ed Scouting.
If I could have, I would have joined the Boy Scouts instead of the Girl Scouts. Girl Scouts was fun, mind you, but I would have loved to have the opportunity to go camping (since my mom hates camping and also wanted to be present to support me and make sure I was safe) and to go on group hikes. I would have loved the water sports too. Plus I had zero interest in a lot of the things Girl Scouts had, such as knitting.
That, and I think this decision would put a damper on trans exclusion.
However, I would prefer co-ed scouting to letting the Boy Scouts include girls.
I was in the scouts back in soviet russia. Down side, no cookies. Up side, none of this separate activities nonsense. Everybody knew how to knit and sew on buttons and trap food in the wild and stab undead Nazis. It was basically junior spetsnaz. :)
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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