Wotans Krieger #racist aryan-myth-and-metahistory.blogspot.co.uk

Catastrophes do not happen in a single day as we know from Plato`s accounts of the fall of Atlantis[Timaeus and Critias]. Prior to the final collapse[which DID occur in a single day] there were portents in the form of earthquakes and floods, something which is happening with ever increasing frequency today in many parts of the world. Here in England we have been told that 2012 has been the "wettest" year since records began and once again this country has experienced widescale flooding, all I believe to be portents of the coming final catastrophe.

However this catastrophe is both inevitable and in my view necessary. I welcome these signs as an indication that this age of man, this age of lead, of the Kali Yuga is rushing headlong to its final cataclysm as the earth, our mother needs to be cleansed of all the violations that She has suffered at the hands of mankind. The Underman, the masses of animal-men and human robots need to be swept from the face of the earth. Only the Overman, the spiritually awakened Aryan vira deserves to survive this age and survive he will as we have this promise in the Elder and Younger Eddas.


I am reminded of Parsifal`s mission to cleanse Aryankind from the blood impurities caused by the dark magic of Klingsor and the temptress Kundry. Wagner`s final work, Parsifal prefigures the German avatar to come and His brave mission to save Aryankind only to be overcome by the combined axis of Judentum and the white traitor nations of the USA and Great Britain. It is with sadness that both countries now are heading for racial extinction of their Aryan populations.


We are heading for a racial collision course which will find its resolution in the RaHoWa so long predicted and the rebellion of Mutter Erde against Her violation, the violation of both the planet and the natural racial order. The `west` is reaping the harvest of its shameful betrayal of Hitler-Parsifal, the betrayal of nature and their own Hyperborean blood.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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