Liberalism is a chaotic and unchristian ideology which is all about giving the power to the masses of the people. Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power.
You obviously haven't got a clue what a true liberal is, or what it means to have liberal values.
You is pretty damn stupid, yourself.
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
- Winston Churchill, Nov. 11, 1947
Us ordinary people is smarts enough to.
It's the ordinary fundie, inbred and homeschooled with a bible, that's too stupid to handle this power.
"unchristian ideology which is all about giving the power to the masses of the people"
Wait...wasn't that basically what Jesus was all about, when it comes down to it? I really don't think that Jesus was going about preaching about totalitarian states.
"ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power."
Or maybe just you is.
Well, I do kind of agree with him. Most people ARE to stupid to vote. Unfortunatly, to prevent dumb people from voting, you'll need to democratically pass the idea first...
"ordinary people is to stupid"
This is one of the few here that has made me laugh uproariously.
Alas, it is kind of true, though. The average person isn't that well-informed about governmenty things.
"Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power."
Considering what Americans have done to democracy and in the name of democracy, I have to agree somewhat. Some people are just too dumb, worse still when entire societies don't get the fucking point.
"Liberalism is a chaotic and unchristian ideology"
Nuh-uh! It's a mental disorder! And sometimes a religion. It really depends on how we're defining the words on that particular evening. I'll never forget the night we got our word redefinitions mixed up and liberalism was 'a genus of about 350 species of aromatic perennial herbaceous plants and sub-shrubs to 40 cm tall, in the family Lamiaceae and native to Europe, North Africa and Asia.'
I forget how the misunderstanding was resolved, but I remember at least one person died from suffocation before sunrise.
"Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power."
And just for good measure, he proves himself right. Try "are."
No, DEMOCRACY is about empowerment of the people. I agree though, democracy is indeed unchristian. Considering Bush was elected not once but TWICE I might also give you the "too stupid to handle this power".
"Liberalism is a chaotic and unchristian ideology which is all about giving the power to the masses of the people. Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power."
Ten bucks says that this guy is posting from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and has the middle initial "W."
~David D.G.
"Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power."
This made me LOL -- I hope I didn't wake my parents! I want this on a bumpersticker...
Christianity is a rigid, controlling, sexist, awful religion which is all about giving power over masses of people to a select few megalomaniacs, who have usually done nothing to deserve that power.
Unfortunately, Suecianus IS too stupid to see this.
"giving the power to the masses of the people"
That's socialism. Not liberalism.
Likes of John Locke, JS Mill...historically quite elitist. Unlike, say, Marx.
Unfortunately, ordinary people is to stupid to handle this power.
Oh it's okay, as long as there are extraordinary people like you still around, I know we're gonna be alright.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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