2008-Jun-23 11:08 PM
Men's rights is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have heard of. It's about as logical as heterosexual rights or white rights."
The fact you made such an ignorant statement proves you're an illogical ignoramus who knows nothing about a) history and b) the current state of the Western world. If you opened your eyes and studied the issue then you would realise that women have more rights than men. There isn't a single law in the Western world that oppresses women -- many laws oppress men.
On top this, society's mores favour women over men, such as:
-- Women's health receives more funding than men's health, even though men tend to die earlier than women.
-- The school system discriminates against boys.
-- Universities promote misandy by feeding factually flawed feminist propaganda to naive students.
-- Female criminals tend to receive a large amount of leniency for their crimes; male criminals are usually treated far hasher.
-- Fathers are discriminated against.
-- Non-custodial mothers are more likely than non-custodial fathers to default on child support, yet society only attacks the latter.
-- The majority of child murderers are women. Child maltreatment is predominantly perpetrated by women. Neither of these issues are used against women. Any crime that is predominantly committed by men is used to demonise men.
-- Parasitic wives who have never contributed a cent to their marriages can commit infidelity, file for divorce and then gain 50% of their husbands' assets.
-- Paternity fraud isn't considered a crime!
-- Rape shield laws allow women who make false accusations of rape to do so with impunity.
-- Women who file false accusations of rape are rarely punished very severely.
-- Genital mutilation is laughed about when it's performed on men. It's considered a crime equal to murder when it's performed on women.
-- Over 150 studies have shown women are just as likely as men to initiate an act of domestic violence. The Government does not acknowledge this fact. State funding goes primarily to women -- even the ones who turn down decent men and intentionally seek out thuggish men who make them wet.
-- The police usually ignore cases of DV that involve women attacking men. There have been many cases where men have been arrested for defending themselves.
-- Female sex offenders are usually treated far more leniently than male sex offenders are. (The ugliest female sex offenders tend to receive harsher sentences than the somehwat attractive ones. You don't see the feminazis protesting against this, do you?)
There are far more issues that effect men, too.
Women were treated better than men in England during the 19th Century, too. Check out Belfort Bax's publication, "The Legal Subjection of Men" to see a factual report on the subject.