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The San Bernardino False Flag: A Double Cross?
The San Bernardino shooting is a botched False Flag riddled with absurdities, irregularities, and mistakes indicating that there may have indeed been a double cross in this false flag ops.
Prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday President Obama chastised Americans to spend their time sitting around the thanksgiving table thinking about gun control.
Thread: White House: Americans Should Talk About Gun Control This Thanksgiving
Obama has repeatedly said that for his last year in office all his efforts would be put toward his top priority of Gun Control:
Thread: Obama says gun control to be top issue of final year
A pretty good indicator that mass shooting false flags are in order for the next year or so until Obama gets his way or leaves office.
Now in Nov, we had the planned parent shooting in Colorado Springs which was fit-to-order. It was Obama's and liberals wet dream. A white , Christian ,gun-lover attacked one of liberals most sacred institutions : abortion and killed three abortion workers. While the shooter looked like an MK-Ultra victim escaped from a mental institution, the leftist media was quick to seize the narrative of white Christian terrorist.
(See think progress “ Yes the planned parent hood shooter was a Christian terrorist” )
But this type of shooting does little to nothing to induce conservatives and moderates to give up their guns, as abortion clinics aren't sympathetic targets. More False flags were in order with targets that would prey upon the heartstrings of broader swath of the American population.
[We should note, around the same time as the planned parent hood shooting, there was a mass shooting in bunny park in which 17 people were injured. Of course this shooting was not ordered, the suspects were black, it didn't fit any of the pre-package scripts so it got little to no media coverage. Thread: There Was A Giant Mass Shooting NOBODY’S Talking About, Care To Guess Why? ]
Now comes San Bernardino. It was apparent Obama ordered a script white (probably Christian) anti-government gun lovers, to go on a senselessness rampage and attack a disability center. The reports on the police scanner indicate the shooters were three white males with body armor, military fatigues and automatic weapons and the Media seemed ready and eager to run Obama's script.
The shooters were obviously black-ops that are CIA/mossad/ or military, who are selected to advance this script. But Somebody apparently had ideas that they didn't like this script. Maybe a mid level manager of the operation changed it while Obama is over in paris, france doing -God knows what- for 12 days at the COP21 conference.
The script got flipped to the accused being a husband and wife, middle-eastern people. They conveniently are reported as dead, killed by police in a shoot out, despite zero footage of the shoot-out existing, which is incredible considering all police cruisers have cameras in them, there is tons of video surveillance in San Bernardino and some jurisdictions in California even require their officers to wear body cams. The accused may have been random muzzies taken out by black ops hit squads to fit the changed narrative or they may not even exist at all. All we know is the narrative conveniently puts them dead, with no chance of exonerating themselves and exposing a false flag.
The third reported shooter just disappeared down the memory hole.
In a press conference from Obama following the alleged mass shooting, Obama looks confused, frustrated and nervous. He doesn't understand how the script got flipped. In an attempt to defeat the new narrative he ridiculously categorizes the shooting as work place shooting of a disgruntled worker. .
Thread: Obama Just Said it! It May be 'Work-place Violence'--Gee, That Didn't Take Long Did It?
From here, the official narrative gets more absurd and stupid with a 100 plus journalist media circus being let into the accused's apartment, a crime scene (within 48 hours of supposedly the biggest terrorist attack since sept 11) to rifle around and create a forced narrative of muzzie extremists. The live broadcast from the crime scene featured the necessary Muzzie narrative trapping with prayer rugs hanging on the wall, Korans falling out of cabinets when opened etc. A stage show with a new level of ridiculousness with the media breaking and entering, criminally trespassing on private property, interfering with a federal investigation, Obstructing justice by contaminating the crime scene, and probably planting evidence to fit the muzzie narrative all to get the public to believe the new narrative was real.
Thread: Breaking!!! Over 100 JOURNALISTS destroy crime scene apartment in San Bernardino !!!!!!!!!!!!
It was as if somebody in the black ops department panicked and said “oh no” “now the script was changed we need to quick do something to reinforce the muzzie narrative”. Get the media and have the items planted.
Thread: Reporters Storm Mass Shooters' Apartment, Reveal Potential Evidence On Live TV
Soon after the Media Circus the F.B.I. held a quick press conference, in which they nervously and sheepishly claimed they let the media in, in an attempt to cover-their-asses and explain why evidence in a criminal investigation was flaunted by journalists on live TV and also officialize the muzzie narrative.
Thread: Just Watched the Press Conference on the Isis Shooting-Senators Demand Obama Release Immigration History of San Bernardino Attackers
All of this was probably much to the ire of President Obama who ordered a white Christian, gun loving, anti government shooter script and got crossed when somebody changed it to be a muzzie extremist scripted false flag.
From here they are stuck reinforcing the muzzie narrative in San Bernardino
With the CIA/mossad creation false flag and hoax group, ISIS issuing statements claiming credit for the attack
Thread: ISIS officially claims responsibility for San Bernardino shootings - meanwhile, Obama and the NY Times are continuing to push for gun control!!!