David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
The British Invasion of the 1960's, and all the LSD drugs and marijuana which flooded our nation, and the Rockefeller sponsored 1969 orgy fest of Woodstock, were not a mere coincidence. LSD was actually legal in the 1960's. Likewise, the Playboy philosophy of pervert Hugh Hefner and the CIA sponsored feminist indoctrination of women through moles like Gloria Steinem, was all planned that way to destroy America!
Don't believe it? Look at the moral sewer and economic sinking Titanic that the United States is today in 2014. And now our shameful Commander-in-Thief, Mr. Obama, has allowed upwards of 100,000 illegal Hispanic children to enter the country, which will likely become the new Hitler Youth. It was all planned that way ladies and gentlemen. The New World Order thugs want a North American Union. They're working to create 6 FEMA region zones around the world. A nation without borders ceases to be a country. I truly believe that if the Lord tarries His return that over the next 25-years we'll see the U.S. government completely overridden by world government. All major decisions will be made by the United Nations counsel, aka, World Government.