"I will not eat halal as long as I know it is halal. Halal spelt another way is allah.
I prefer to eat regular food or kosher."
Why is the link the FAQ page for FSTDT?
Also, if "Berean Girl" means Berea, Ohio, get the fuck out of my town, and preferably out of my state.
You do realize that halal merely means "permissible" and is applied to other things too like behaviour, speech and conduct right?
And you also are aware that halal food, say in the case of meat is merely an animal that is prayed over first, out of respect and to thank their god for the food, and killed in the swiftest and least painful manner so that the animal isn't made to suffer. You knew this before you opened your idiot hole and spewed out your retardation right?
No of course not. That's why you're a fundie.
You make me feel like this with your stupid. image
Lots of regular food are halal too.
Eat lots of pork and soak everything in beer, and you'll be fine. And don't wear pointy hats or eat things that weigh as much as a duck, or you'll be a witch.
Err... let me try to explain how it is:
Kosher = No pork + no blood
Halal = No pork + no blood + no alcohol
You = a complete freakin' idiot
I have seen muslims eating kosher and jews eating halal and they seemed to be rather fine with it though and for the most part consider each other's culinary standards to be fairly exceptable.
""I will not eat halal as long as I know it is halal. Halal spelt another way is allah."
I would imagine that if I translated many food names into an entirely different language and then played anagrams with the letters I could come up with the name of every god that's ever been said to exist. Does that mean you're going to starve yourself to death?
"Food" spelt another way is "doof". Could be "dofo", too. I, for one, will never eat doof or dofo. They are evil.
But anagrams are of the devil...
"I prefer to eat regular food or kosher."
I only eat foods that are either orange or not orange?
@Post #680876: "I see the IQ of RR is still steadily declining. Are we still talking two digits?"
Yes, still two digits, but there is a decimal between them.
Nope. Halal comes from the root H-l-l (Halla, yaHillu, meaning to be permissible), whereas Allah comes from the root ' (hamza) -l -h ('allaha, yu'allihu, meaning to deify - the indefinite noun here is 'ilah). So you see, out of three root consonants, they only have one in common. There is no correlation between the two words whatsoever.
Wow- this fundie can spell!
That's a little suspicious, but then so is the idea that people would announce their evil plans by giving them anagram names. Not that halal is evil (they're not anagrams, so it must be ok to eat).
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