(In a conversation about evolution and "how science hasn't learnt anything new in the last century")
everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to, the is no leaps and bounds of anything exiting and new we didnt already know, we cannot create a testtube baby, because they die, which proves evolution wrong... but we can clone only by injecting the DNA directly into an mother of the unborn. which means when born it will have the same DNA as the cloned,
<i>everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to, the is no leaps and bounds of anything exiting and new we didnt already know,</i>
So YouTube was around 100 years ago?
<i>we cannot create a testtube baby, because they die,</i>
Are you talking about in vitro fertilization? Because we're totally doing that all over the world.
<i>which proves evolution wrong...</i>
Okay, tell me how evolution requires us to be able to create artificial babies. Go ahead. I'll wait.
<i>but we can clone only by injecting the DNA directly into an mother of the unborn. which means when born it will have the same DNA as the cloned,</i>
I'm not even going to respond to this.
everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to, the is no leaps and bounds of anything exiting and new we didnt already know,
Because we did not know much about how the world worked. So "holy crap there are bacteria" was ground breaking. Now we know how a lot of it works. Also Nuclear Fusion. We are trying to make fusion reactors to replace our fission ones. Pretty much leaps and bounds. Also the Internet is new as are computers. Both invented in the last 100 years. Hell there are people alive who remember computers being invented in their current form.
we cannot create a testtube baby, because they die, which proves evolution wrong... but we can clone only by injecting the DNA directly into an mother of the unborn. which means when born it will have the same DNA as the cloned,
That is the point of cloning. It is to take make a genetic copy of another organism. The cell is just a scaffold that the DNA controls.
Um... except that we CAN create test tube babies...
And if you're talking about making life from scratch, we have also started doing that on a small scale, and will eventually be able to make intelligent beings. If we ever do, does that mean people like you will be forever shut up?
everything is basically already created...
I guess giving this guy a link to photographs of stars in the process of being formed wouldn't do any good. Just to give you a historical heads-up, reality of heaven, your statement was the basis of the doctrine that caused church leaders to deny the existence of sun spots.
I've never gotten this "nothing new" bullshit. People who make this claim are essentially saying that even genetic mutation doesn't create new "information" because it's still the same four basic proteins, A, C, G, and T. This makes as much sense as arguing that there has been no new English language literature because it all uses the same 26 letters and assorted punctuation to create the words.
I guess that means it's nothing new to call them ingnorami and assholes. Okay, I'll grant them that point.
everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to...
Isn't that what Newton said?
I was a test-tube baby*. By fundie logic, this disproves the existence of god.
*I am now a test-tube man.
Hey "reality", I want you to check this out:
It's the first ever web server. It went online less than 20 years ago. It was invented by the good folks at CERN. Thank them next time you are spouting off anti-science bullshit on the Internet, mmm-kay?
"everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to, the is no leaps and bounds of anything exiting and new we didnt already know,"
Nylonase, jackass.
"we cannot create a testtube baby, because they die, which proves evolution wrong..."
Let me guess. You think a "test tube" baby is actually born/made in a test tube don't you?
Fucking moron.
"but we can clone only by injecting the DNA directly into an mother of the unborn. which means when born it will have the same DNA as the cloned,"
Stop getting your science education from those lame made for TV movies on the Sci-Fi channel.
No leaps and bounds of anything existing that we didn't already have?
So you're sitting in front of a magical box of mysteries, are you?
A hundred years ago, we'd barely invented moving pictures. People still ran away from films of trains because they were afraid it'd leap out of the screen and they'd get run over.
Please, get run over by a train.
You have no excuse for writing this kind of absurdity unless you have spent the last hundred years deep underwater, in a cave, breathing through a straw with your eyes closed and your fingers in your ears, quietly humming "twinkle twinkle little star" and fondling a scrap of carpet.
Even if that is the case, you should still apologise for writing something this idiotic.
Science hasn't learned anything in the last 100 years?
Fuck, don't tell my 80 year old father that, his idea of a freezer as a child involved digging a pit in the back yard and waiting for the ground frost to go low enough. His first job was delivering ice in a model T. My mother was told to smoke and drink during her pregnancies to help sooth the nerves. Hell, even in my childhood, the idea of an iPhone went beyond anything we could imagine.
There have been test-tube goats raised completely in an artificial womb. It's illegal to do such a test with a human baby, I'm not sure how I feel about the subject.
But of course, science had nothing to do with any of this.
Try telling a certain 30 year old named Louise Brown, about this, as she was the first "test-tube" baby, born in 1978...
She currently is alive, married, & is a mother of 2 daughters.
Incedentally, to clone someone/thing, you remove the DNA from a donor ovum, & replace it with the desired DNA from another donor, to create the clone.
Injecting the DNA into the mother directly, might give it cancer, as DNA is in some cases regarded as a Mutagen, but would'nt produce a clone...
the internet, the atomic bomb, the video camera, color television... Yep, absolutely nothing.
"we cannot create a testtube baby, because they die, which proves evolution wrong..."
"everything is basically already created, and everything now is just improved and added to, the is no leaps and bounds of anything exiting and new we didnt already know"
That's the main problem with people who deny the soundness of scientific methods: it's not just ignorance in science, but in pretty much everything.
He probably imagine people from a century ago as living like today except with fancy fashion and speech.
Unfortunately it's too late to put him through school again and he probably wouldn't pay more attention than the first time he went there.
There have been people 150 years ago who believed that all possible inventions had been made already and nothing new was left to develope or discover.
Such people existed 500 years ago, such people existed 1000 years ago, and 100.000 years ago progress was so incredibly slowly that no one was able to notice it for generations.
From 300.000 years our species exists it made its tools exclusivly from stone for 295.000 years - and it's very likely that for most of this the majority of people thought that things will never change and that no innovation was possible - there are people living today who can remember a time before glass and metal, and their parents might have thought the same.
Such people have been sincerely convinced there was nothing new under the sky, everything already done and invented.
You my friend are a perfect example for the fact that our brains are stuck in the stone age if we don't take advantage of our cultural evolutiin, our collective knowledge.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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