Do I really need to explain it? It sort of speaks for itself doesn't it? God doesn't like homosexuality and since there is no law against it He punishes it with Aids and other STD's.
Newsflash, moron: Heterosexuals are not immune. Nor are people who got blood transfusions before donated blood was routinely screened for such things. Nor are infants born from an HIV-positive mother.
If AIDS is a curse from God, he needs to work on his aim, because the vast majority of the people who get it aren't homosexuals.
As well as heterosexuals, people who received a wrong transfusion of blood, people who ate monkeys in Africa and babies whose mother passed it to them?, RISKY BUSINESS, don´t you think?, Sodoma and Gomorra was easier and effective.
God also hates Africans, people who shoot up (but not snort) heroin, hemophiliacs, people who need blood transfusions, women whose partners are on the down-low, and several truckloads of innocent children. Praise the Lord!
My brother in law, who was happily married & heterosexual, though a haemophiliac, contracted HIV & hepatitis C, from contaminated factor 8, sourced from the United States, in the late 1970's, derived then, from the blood of unscreened U.S donors...
(There was a proposal in 1979, for the U.K to become self sufficient in Factor 8, & other derived blood products.
However, there was a General Election in that year, & the proposal was scrapped, by the incoming government as U.S Factor 8 was cheaper, & besides the government was assured said product was "Perfectly safe"...).
since there is no law against it
Oh, so it's the legal system that Gawd's pissed about. It figures...he doesn't like San Francisco, so he floods Texas.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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