[about Virginia Tech]
Everyone deserves to be violently gunned down. Me, you, everyone. Now, having said that, I believe that anyone that actually DOES that, is pure evil. It was a horrible tragedy that happened. And they did nothing to HIM to deserve death. But everyone deserves to die. No one is good, no one is innocent. No one is better than they think they are.
That's depressing. I do feel a little better though, 'cause all the other fundies said it's just the atheists, jews, muslims, agnosts, hindus and buddhists that deserve to die.
No they don't.
If you were talking about erasing the entire human race from one second to another (so that noone would suffer, either through pain or loss) to give our planet a second try at being a home to a intelligent species, you could make argument (though it would still be an utterly selfish argument - YOU might feel it would be better that way, but who gives you the right to make that decision for everyone else?).
"violently gunned down" sounds pretty painful and slow however - think that everyone deserves to be tortured, too?
I see BigChrisAsshole is back, and still as full of shit as ever.
The propensity for the fundamentalist churches to harp on about the worthlessness of humankind is quite possibly the strongest argument against the Christian Church.
Who wants to be reminded endlessly how useless they are?
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!
"No one is good, no one is innocent."
So, BCF, giving a complete rewrite to the NT, says that even Jesus was neither good nor innocent.
backup, yes he and many other Xians do believe that everyone deserves to be tortured, forever no less, just for being born. It's a sick thing to believe.
BCF and his ilk will forever be an un-understandable conglomeration of insane self-loathing, murderously angry lunatics contained within an asylum where the worst of the lot get to lead. (No matter how long I try, no matter how much I read, no matter how much effort I put into seeing the world through their eyes, I will never ever understand the fundamentalist mind-set.)
Non-contradiction award?, make up your mind, do these people deserve to die, yes or no?, how do you define "innocent" now?
Really? Even fetuses? Except fetuses. Life begins at conception and ends at birth.
You sick and twisted bastard. And you have the balls to call the people who post here, "evil" and "lost"? You are truly a disgusting individual, and I hope you get face cancer.
This is true blasphemy, and people like BCF are the real blasphemers. BCF's quote is an example of calling good evil and calling evil good.
I think will go cry now.
Ah, BigChris, the witless wonder. Recognizes his own worthlessness and feels it applies to all. (I realize that the sentiment is Christian dogma, which is another reason 2/3 of the world's population isn't Christian.)
Heck, I'm not innocent. But I really don't think I deserve to die simply because I can't live up to godly standards every waking moment of my life.
Shows how valued Chris' religion makes him feel.
Heck, I'm not innocent. But I don't think I deserve to die simply because I can't live up to godly standards every waking moment of my life.
Shows how valued Chris' religion makes him feel.
Everyone deserves to be violently gunned down. Me, you, everyone.
I think I see why no one here really likes you.
How about you make a start with yourself, put a bullet through your head, see how that goes, and then we can discuss the rest of us. Deal?
"Everyone deserves to be violently gunned down. Me, you, everyone."
Gooooood. Then please kill yourself. I'll even buy you a gun, hahahahahaha! And pay for your funeral too... Honest.
Yes, we all deserve to be gunned down. You deserve to be gunned down most of all on the basis of observed idiocy.
If you are gunned down first, you can die for all our sins. We will no longer then deserve to be gunned down.
I am good with guns.
I volunteer to gun you down.
I will do this with no remorse.
Do not worry that I might suffer bad dreams.
I shall probably go see the new Harry Potter movie straight after gunning you down.
In fact, let me have any money you might have on you so I can treat a few people to drinks and popcorn.
First nihilist fundy?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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