"Charity should only be reserved for God-fearing folk."
Oh, believe or starve? Where I come from, I believe that's called extortion, and while not illegal in this case, is pretty God damned douchy. As I recall, Jesus didn't just help the believers...
"The great President Bush was elected by God."
Do you feel the same about Obama?
"I will deny love if he is not a Christian."
Aside from the obvious snide remarks, that could be a costly decision, and I'd wager if you were actually forced to make that decision, you would not.
"I don't know how beautiful girls can be such Jesus-hating prostitutes."
And I don't know how people who profess to be such kind, gentle Christians, can be so cold, sanctimonious and judgmental.
"Wicca might be one of the fastest growing religions in the US, but practioners are a bunch of immoral and godless fools."
Based on what? The Wiccan rede stated clearly, "Harm none." Your Bible is is nowhere as firm on that subject. Not. Even. Close.
"It is sometimes necessary to legislate morality."
But just your's, right? Everyone else's morality is nowhere near as pure as yours.
"If you think that I'm a bigot then you are very confused. I just follow the law of Christ."
No, you hold a Bible over your head, and use it's presence to browbeat everyone around you, screaming about your obvious moral superiority, since YOU have the Bible, and we're just lowly heathens. Piss off.