Idont want to go to hell and rather go to Heaven. Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised? I think u need Jesus. U must have had a bad experience in life & now u turned against God.Course the law is 4 the lawless, thats why its been put into place thru the Bible,& the 1's that have the law, are already abiding by it.U wanna talk bout this more in depth email me espinosa_ramonhotmailcom
"Idont want to go to hell and rather go to Heaven."
If heaven and hell were real, I would have to agree with your choice, not that it required any deep thinking, mind you.
"Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised?"
Good point. So, basically, Xians are prostitutes in that they agree to worship a cruel god in exchange for a get-into-heaven-free card.
"I think u need Jesus."
I don't think so. You, however, might do well with a little less Jesus.
"U must have had a bad experience in life & now u turned against God."
No, I looked at the evidence for and against religion, and decided religion is not worth the trouble. The good things done in the name of religion (fellowship, charity, etc.) can be done without religion and I don't have to sacrifice my intellectual integrity.
"Course the law is 4 the lawless, thats why its been put into place thru the Bible,& the 1's that have the law, are already abiding by it."
Is that why Christians are over represented and atheists are under represented in U.S. prisons as compared to the general population?
"U wanna talk bout this more in depth email me espinosa_ramonhotmailcom"
No, I'm done, thanks.
Here we go again. Fundies who believe the concept of heaven and hell are things their jesus spoke of and promised/threatened 'them' with two thousand years ago. However, this fundie does have a point .. why else WOULD anyone worship a god unless something (apparently) good was proffered?!
I question if sothrowedmex could ever do anything right or good unless a reward was promised. Not that worshipping any god is good, but morals are and since the fundies morals come not from them (like, for instance, with atheists/deists/humanists/agnostics) but from a powerful and threatening god that, should this deity be removed (disproved), they'd possess no internal precepts and run amok. I am sure sothrowedmex's god is glad to know that worshipping it would not be happening had heaven not been the carrot; that little tidbit of information is going down in the Book of Life me thinks.
Of course for some who don't care to sit around perfect beings, praising endlessly for an ETERNITY an egotistical, temperamental and unpredictable godlike thing .. heaven is no carrot. So, hell had to be invented so there could be a clear and uncompromised choice. (/sarcasm)
This answers my own question of why else would anyone worship a god unless something (apparently) good was proffered ... they worship because they believe they have only two choices: worship (love, admire, believe in) me or I'll torture you for an eternity in the pits of hell without mercy.
Oh yeah. If those were my only two choices I'd go for the .. well .. *sigh*. Telling god his butt doesn't look fat in that robe, surrounded by perfect-perfect beings (aka raptured people), having no struggle, no challenge, no discussion, no achieving ... for an eternity, this is NOT a good thing!! In fact, it sounds like hell to me. But, to the fundie, heaven is the better choice and in that, sothrowedmex is right. Why else would anyone worship god except to keep from being tortured by this loving and generous creator.
Happily, their god is a myth and therefore not worthy of my worship or opinion on how the divine butt looks in that robe ...
Points to Tdevil for knowing the stats on the ratios of xtians to athiests in prisons.
And, I rate this person as a 3 on the fundie scale becasue worshipping god is based on one thing only and not on the evidence everywhere that god is the creator of everything and therefore worthy of worship. Hmm. By that reasoning my children should be worshipping ME ! Excuse me, I've some smiting to perform ...
Well, when you spell and use a more or less propper grammar, I will email you to tell you that there are thousand reasons, apart from existing God, to have morals. I don´t think that a guy punishing you is gonna help(tell the people working in prison)
Indeed, why would anyone worship God if not the promise of heaven , but more to the point, the threat of hell? I'd bet that threat of hell has more to do with it than heaven.
Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised?
Well originally natural phenomena were assumed to have an anthropomorphological origin. Then it became a bit of an industry - the priests status and livelihood depended upon convincing followers that they had influence over nature.
Of course if we're going to take a bit of a case study, then we find Hebrew worshipped Yahweh, because terrible things would happen if you didn't. Heaven and hell were later borrowed from Zoroastrianism (the initial monotheistic religion of that area).
Go and read Deuteronomy 28 to find out why people worshipped God before the candy canes were wheeled out.
Good to see you don't care about a divine being who crated the universe, what grounds are that for worship. FUCKWIT!
P.S. There is no heaven. There is no hell. There is no God.
No Prince Typing!
"Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised?"
This says it all, no? God apparently has no other redeeming features then what he can do for you? Great relationship, sounds like a drunk and an enabler.
Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised?
Read it, sothrowedmex.
Now read it again.
And again.
Now understand what you just read.
And now tell me in all honesty that it doesn't make you sad to the bone that there is no other reason to believe what you apparently believe than being (possibly) rewarded for a lifetime of closed-mindedness, guilt,
double-think, not owning your own life, and having a moral code that is 2,500 years old.
That's like saying "I don't mind my father being abusive and beating me up every day of the week, because once he's dead I'll inherit the family home, and let's see who's laughing then."
Pathetic. And I don't mean that as an insult. :(
Why would anyone worship God if he didn't offer heaven?
So he wouldn't torture and kill you. It's not one hundred percent effective--look at poor Job--but having divine patronage is supposed to be good for things like winning battles and getting good weather for crops. Very few religions have had a heaven analogue, and those that have frequently had less to do with worship and more to do with your ability to be awesome.
The Egyptians eventually started sharing the nice parts of the afterlife with the lower orders, and they had the sin-featherweight thing which--if you look at the 'negative confessions'--was about evenly divided between offenses against society and offenses against gods or kings. So that's interesting.
But yeah. Providing good luck was God's genesis point. Everything else proceeds from there.
“Idont want to go to hell and rather go to Heaven. Why else would anyone worship God if there was no Heaven promised?”
So, perfect morals, perfect justice, infinite knowledge aren’t attractive, what’s in it for ME.
"I think u need Jesus.”
Good luck wth that.
“U must have had a bad experience in life & now u turned against God.”
Sure, because trauma is the only way to explain atheism. Not a critical analysis of conflicting stories, gaping holes in the theology, or stupid representatives.
“Course the law is 4 the lawless, thats why its been put into place thru the Bible,& the 1's that have the law, are already abiding by it.”
If you’re abiding by the law, the law is literally For You.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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