Pushy feminist Megyn Kelly destroys the final debate by insisting on being the (biased) moderator, and Donald Trump shows guts in declining to participate in the sham. [1] Real journalism puts the public first, but instead Fox News Channel caves into feminism
...Only Assfly would consider Fox News to be Liberal biased.
Don't change, Assfly. Your stupidity/insanity is way to amusing.
Reporter Megyn Kelley annoys touchy candidate Donald Trump, who flounces off in a snit, allowing the debate to continue without being overshadowed by a drama queen. Conservafreaks try to rewrite reality, claiming that FOX is just part of the "liberal" media.
Conservatives never get this unless you apply it to Democrats or Liberals en large.
Obama expressed a likelihood that he would never do another FoxNews interview and just recently stopped responding to right wing orgs 'reporters' at press conferances. Hillary straight out refused to address another recently after a completely rude and ridiculous statement was thrown at her.
"look! They won't answer Questions, what are they hiding?"
Yet Ws Administration openly restricted the press turning the events into speeches alone. Republican have followed suit ever since, no questions at town halls, refusing to answer questions, getting angry and belligerent when real issue questions are asked.
Megans FoxNews' 'fair and balance' poster girl 8o% of the time she's a pandering rightwingy Christian cheerleader but sometimes the Stepford Wife medication wears off. But even then,,, she didn't ask anything a presidential candidate shouldn't fully be expected to answer.
And get this ultimate Republican praise "Donald bravely ran away from this slightly uncomfortable situation. Oh, what a manly man!"
What exactly did she ask that Trump didn't think he had to answer? If Angela Merkel asks a tough question, what's President Trump going to do? Say "I'm a billionaire - I don't have to take this crap", suggest she's on the rag and stomp out in a snit?
So a woman has more balls than the so-called 'man' Donald Fart: and said woman is a conservative ?
Apart from his inbred retard cocksuckers and Libertard 'Meme Candidate' followers on 4- & 8-chan's /pol/, just goes to show that the Trump can be Stumped.
From the looks of things, only hours into the campaign proper, and Wiggy may have peaked already. Sarah FAILin will be the poison pill nomination-wise, and I may have to reconsider my thoughts on a certain Mormon commentator, certainly after what he says about Farty-boy: and on a right -wing site, at that:
'Trump Is a Pathological Narcissistic Sociopath'
-Glenn Beck
...and all the Democrats have to worry about is who to nominate: Clinton or Sanders.
If Andy Schaftafly is going this far off to the right - and right off the deep end - as this indicates, then at least Donald Fart will serve a useful purpose after all: Wiggy will destroy the right-wing as a whole ; he will be the wedge that'll create the split: the schism which will ensure that the Democrats will be in power for ever and ever RAmen.
"but instead Fox News Channel caves into feminism"
@Doubting Thomas
"If Donald Trump can't handle speaking to Megyn Kelly, then how is he going to handle the leaders of Iran, China, Russia, or North Korea?"
Faux news ran a joke story that they have agents deep undercover who reported that the Ayatollah of Iran and Putin planned to be mean to President Trump.
If Donald Trump can't handle speaking to Megyn Kelly, then how is he going to handle the leaders of Iran, China, Russia, or North Korea? How, as president, will he handle the usual criticism that comes with the job? If he's going to throw a hissy fit every time there's a negative article about him, then he'll never get anything done.
And the idea that Fox News is a bastion of liberalism would be funny if it weren't so frightening that there are people out there who are so conservative they actually believe it.
"Pushy feminist Megyn Kelly"
Megyn Kelly is a feminist? How has she advanced women's rights on Fox News? She is the last person that I would consider a feminist. But this is coming from Assfly, so we shouldn't be that surprised.
... A Fox News talking head that works overtime to cover for the GOP somehow triggers the thinnest skinned man on Earth for-who-knows what stupid reason that probably involved trying to get a straight answer out of the man because even Fox and Friends have thrown up their hands in despair at trying to do damage control for horrific and/or ignorant offhand remarks but supposedly whatever it was that made Trump demand the station accommodate his preference they shoo out their own employee was of course due to a "feminist" agenda despite the fact Fox News actively frames any progressive cause in constant negatives at all times with blonde news bunnies that don't think too hard about much of anything and are meant to come across as vapid so the studio can claim they're giving in to demands for representation while keeping it entirely negative.
And it took guts to walk off in a huff instead of capitalizing on supposed weaknesses in an opponents views, platforms, or anything that can be defined and described with anything other than cartoonish mock-scare chords.
You know what? I'll actually agree to that. It takes a heavy pair of swinging brass balls TO BE SO GODDAMNED CONFIDENT EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY YOU WERE ELECTED TO RUN WILL DO YOUR JOB INSTEAD OF YOU! I mean hot damn, Trump doesn't even have to come with his OWN lies anymore. His base will do it for him and then arrest anyone who plays a recording of him contradicting himself. He doesn't even need to have said a thing to a soul to "win" a debate with them because suddenly all the news worldwide in all mediums including print, social media, police statistics acquired by Freedom of Information requests, is somehow all "fake" and co-ordinated except for the stuff that comes out of the White House itself, which I'll just remind everyone is the least trusted news source for these "small government" supporters. "Small" government in this case they're lobbying to aggressively expand in scope to have almost unlimited power, no accountability, absolute control of the flow information, and the power to suspend the Constitution because the law has been confused for a popularity contest and the country is run by man who literally thinks his feelings affect his financial worth and that believing hard enough makes something an alternative fact.
They are to answer questions
They are to be public servants
This is the office they're running for.
It's not 'who wants to kiss the anointed Kings ass first. It's an election for your White House representative.
If Kelly had asked "Why are you such an asshole?" He could have justified his behavior, but she asked a reasonable question. Had Obama reacted that way in 2011 you shits would still be bitchin about that uppity Nigger response.
By the way, someone still needs to ask Trump and his entire gang that question.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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