I have a hard time making my friends distinguish between the god
delusion and reality. Joesph could have easily made everyone like you atheists
with just one kick to Mary's stomach. Had Joesph been angry at Mary, or
had Mary wanted an abortion, everyone would look to science. I'm mad
that Joesph could have made my friends atheists by one kick, but I can
not with one thousand facts. Now which logic laws god used put his life in hand of 15 years old girl?
I have a hard time making my friends distinguish between the god delusion and reality.
Joesph could have easily made everyone like you atheists with just one kick to Mary's stomach
Had Joesph been angry at Mary, or had Mary wanted an abortion, everyone would look to science
I'm mad that Joesph could have made my friends atheists by one kick, but I can not with one thousand facts.
Now which logic laws god used put his life in hand of 15 years old girl?
What will the pillows do with the uneaten corn?
So you can kill god as a fetus, but you can only sort of kill god as an adult. What?
...oh wait I think I just figured it out. He wanted Jesus to be aborted, because he's a non-religious fundie. Or more likely a reverse poe.
Wait, let me try:
I'm mad that Jesus could have made my friends atheists with one kick to Pontius Pilate's testicles. With one kick to Pontius Pilate's testicles, everyone would look to science. Word Salads for Jesus!
Uhm, ok. Granted, there would definitely be a difference in today's world as well as history, but somehow I don't think that would make everyone atheist.
The fuck?
I have a hard time making my friends distinguish between the god delusion and reality.
Well, let them realize in their own time that god is imaginary. :o)
"Uhm, ok. Granted, there would definitely be a difference in today's world as well as history, but somehow I don't think that would make everyone atheist."
That may make sense for us, yes. However, you're forgetting that "fundie logic" works differently. For a fundie, there are only two real groups: "us" and "everyone else". Why else do you think so many of them keep trying to convert people with Pascal's Wager?
"I'm mad that Joesph could have made my friends atheists by one kick, but I can not with one thousand facts."
I have parsed this sentence a dozen times and I still don't understand it. The only bit that makes sense are the first two words (if you interpret 'mad' as meaning 'crazy').
"Actually, it's more like: 'us' and 'those dirty rotten people that hate us'."
*smiles and nods*
Very well said, although we weren't scheduled to get to that aspect of "fundie logic 101" until tomorrow's lesson.
Is he claiming to be an atheist whining because god wasn't aborted through marital violence, or a Christian whining that he can't convince his friends that atheism is the truth?
Either way makes no sense at all.
Ooh, atheist fundy!! Don't see these very often.
...At least, I think he's an atheist...
Word Salad
Yummy, yummy
Word Salad
Yummy, yummy
Idunno if this is fundie, but that's mostly because I got no clue what babri is saying.
I don't think he's advocating anything, just kvetching, but that's as much as I can parse.
Okay. I think I've got it.
He's pissed off because someone (Joseph) could've done one thing to make people atheists, but he can't do one thing and make people that way. He's feeling inadequate, and is ranting about that.
That last sentence, though... That I have no clue about. I *think* he's saying that god didn't use logic when putting Jesus' life in Mary's hands - that it would be too easy to get rid of the baby and therefore his plan was flawed. Maybe. That's as close as I can get it to making any sense, though.
The stupid is strong in this one.
Try as I might....
If an imaginary person kicks another imaginary person hard enough to abort an imaginary baby... no, that can't be right....
If Joseph Cotten had kicked Mary Martin in the stomach, Peter Pan would not believe in fairies?... no....
If the one less god I don't believe in did not allegedly exist for you to believe in, you would automatically not believe in all of the others that you don't believe in just like you do now???
I give up.
Er, no. But I still have a hard time understanding how it's the worst thing in the world to abort an unbreathing, nonsentient fetus. But when the Nicest Guy Who Ever Lived is executed, it's great because it's for evil doings of people who hadn't been born yet.
No, your friends would probably find another delusion to believe in. :)
P.S.: I love all the Falcon Punch pictures.
Is this a fundie atheist?
I can't tell, because he (or maybe she? Obviously I can't tell) writes painfully badly.
I'm assuming, insofar as I can from your word salad, that you are an atheist. In which case your argument still makes no sense because SURPRISE ABORTION still wouldn't make the world stop believing in a god.
What kind of weird atheist believes in virgin births and gods?
either Spiteful Emo Teen Atheist, or Reverse Poe
Not fundie. THE GUY'S AN ATHEIST you silly people above me!
He's angry that people have a hard time leaving religion, and that people will cling to it no matter how much he tears the idea of 'god' into shreds right in front of them.
He wished that Jesus had never been born so it wouldn't be as hard to make atheist a Christian, because there wouldn't be any.
Of course it wouldn't have helped him anyway because some other religion would have replaced Christianity. In any case, it's obvious he's making a joke.
Some people who comment here are pretty dense.
Oh and Anon-e-moose, the thing that's always bugged be about that comic is that Link changes hands from the 4th to 5th panel...THAT'S NOT HOW YOU FALCON PUNCH.
Zimmer : "You're all morons, I'M CLEVER and i like the sound of my own voice. Fundamentalist Atheism doesn't exist, i am going to close my eyes and put both of my fingers in my ears. I thought Rapture Ready was dense, but the people above me are just worse."
Fixed! fundy atheist alert.
His next reponse will either be "DIAF" or something similar to that, then followed by more boosting about inteligence.
Why, you misogynistic piece of shit!
(I'm boiling this down to the essence. I give less than half a rat's ass whether he's atheist or Christian or something else. And I want MSTDT.)
I second that.
: P
Christian believe is very strange for me, I have this question always from myself, do they believe laser penis? In order Mary becomes pregnant by god it is necessary for god has a giant laser penis? , that only way from sky he could transform his sperm and impregnate Mary, that is odd enough, Mary was changing god diaper for at least 2 years and breasts feeding the god!! ! Oh my god. That is really strange believe, same time I blame why some Indian believes cow shit or rat.
I think this strange person is trying to ask why any sensible God planning to become Man would put his life in the hands of a 15 year old girl and her none-to-happy-at-being-cuckolded fiance. That Christianity could have been wiped out before it ever happened by Joseph abusing Mary and causing her to lose the baby.
Not that it would have made people atheists, like babri62 thinks. The locals would have just stayed Mithraists or Jews.
Actually, if you want to change religious history, forget Jesus. The one to tackle is Constantine I. If he hadn't won the Battle of the Milvian Bridge, he wouldn't have become Christian and Christanity would have remained a small Jewish sect that eventually faded to obscurity.
GreenEyedLilo, agreed. MSTDT could be filled with half the comments on this thread to start off with. I'm disgusted. And this is supposed to be a relatively enlightened portion of humanity.
Misogyny and promoting/making light of violence against women IS NOT FUNNY. Complaining about a splinter in the eye of your opponent while ignoring the damn log in your own eye, these sexists.
" "I'm mad that Joesph could have made my friends atheists by one kick, but I can not with one thousand facts."
I have parsed this sentence a dozen times and I still don't understand it. The only bit that makes sense are the first two words (if you interpret 'mad' as meaning 'crazy'). "
I think what she means is that if Jesus had never existed, then her friends would be atheists. aka, if Joesph had kicked MAry in the stomach, Jesus would never been born, no Christian religion, she then goes on to explain that even though she has explained to her friends how they are wrong, they still believe.
It is kind of wishful thinking, wishing that jesus never existed so that her friends would not be enslaved by that religion. I think that is the basic translation.
@Zimmer: There've been atheist fundies before on FSTDT (and at least one capitalist fundie). They don't have to be religious.
If Jesus had been aborted (and assuming a similar person didn't fill roughly the same space and create a Christianity-like religion) we'd probably be worshiping the Germanic or Norse gods (if in Europe) or some syncretism of them and the Native American beliefs (if in America) or some newer religion (the most likely IMO; maybe some alternate-universe version of Islam without Jesus as a prophet? Or some neo-Neoplatonist thing maybe.) Mithraism was big in the Roman empire right before Christianity really took hold, but it was mostly popular among soldiers: I don't think it would have done well after the empire's fall as Christianity did, which had a much broader-based appeal.
tl;dr: Jesus didn't invent religion!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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