(Note: These are fundie reactions to Brandon Hatmaker, explaining why he and his wife Jen have come out in favour of gay marriage in 2016 after years as evangelical leaders. This is just some of the qoutes, and so many that the fundies can't exactly be pin pointed or named.)
1. "Did you not read the part where it says marriage is between one man and one woman ?"
2. "Their suffering is conviction by the Holy Spirit."
3. "I don't think you understand just how many precious souls you're putting in danger!"
4. "You call holy what God calls unholy."
5. "You have let the world in at your door."
6. "The Bible only has to condemn homosexuality once and that'd be good enough for me."
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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