“Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter,” Palin wrote, linking to a pro-Duggar column penned by her daughter, Bristol. “I’m glad someone’s got the guts to call out these perverts— The intolerant left’s destructive personal intrusions and narrow-mindedness applied to their chosen targets are bad enough, but their double standards are beyond the pale.”
“I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics,” Palin complained. “Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham’s sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she’s rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family.”
“Such obvious double standards applied to equally relevant stories underestimate the wisdom of the public, discredit the press, and spit on the graves of every American who fought and died for the press’s freedom,” she added.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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