jael #fundie christiandiscussionforums.org
He is uniting people behind a false image of hope. He is an expert orator who says he will solve problems but he doesn't tell us how.
He is a Judas Goat that speaks against the war in Iraq and Iran yet recommends the invasion of Pakistan.
He will run with Hilary the Great Whore upon his back as his partner.
He will speak peace, but their will be no peace.
The people on the ships will sit on the ocean and witness the middle-east burn.
A great earth-quake will strike Jerusalem destroying the Dome of the Rock. Israel will try to rebuild the Temple. Syria, Jordan, Saudi-Arabia and Kuwait and the other countries of the Middle-east will attack Israel.
All Armeggedon will break loose.
I suggest the following motto for Obama.
A vote for Obama will be a vote for the Second Coming of Christ!