['After a question on the need for aquariums on the ark to allow aquatic creatures with different requirements to survive the flood']
Probably in the time of Noah's flood all water really was water.
Okay, would that be salt water, fresh water, brackish water, or...no wait, I know; HOLY WATER!
Real water???
Okay, well what about all those fishies that need to live in imaginary water, huh? What about them?
Anyway, some fish require a saline environment, idiot.
I tells you, those was the days, back when water was real and not imaginary. Nowadays you can just solve a drought with your imagination, but back in the day, boy howdy... Those were some REAL droughts then.
That's right, because if the properties of water don't agree with your beliefs, it was never *really* water in the first place, right?
Hollio: But some fish have some very specific demands of the water they live in. I'm pretty sure most salt water fish wouldn't survive if there was a sudden increase of sweet water (remember that there was rain falling from the sky and underground reservoirs broke open). And how much? Well the mountains were under a few meters of water so there would be enough to kill all salt water demanding fish, and enough salt water to kill all fish that absolutely can't stand salt.
I was going to suggest it was vegemite, but I defer to Sandman, it may very well have been grape jelly.
Ironically, if salt water didn't exist and it was 'fresh', our entire nervous system and brains, along with the nervous system of every multicellular creature with axons and neurons couldn't have developed and we'd all be as brainless as ThePheonix here.
Big Mac, I've asked fundies about that before. The usual answer is that there was no salt water before the flood, so there was no reason all the aquatic creatures couldn't live in the flood waters.
"So where did the oceans come from?" I ask next.
"The flood water had to go somewhere. It was so heavy that it depressed the earth's crust and created basins for all that water."
"And how did the oceans get salty?" I ask.
"The creator made the salt."
Of course. (sigh)
This is Houston approach, confirm reception of the following message: Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. I repeat, Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot. Over.
Yeah, I remember the day all the water on Earth transformed into hollandaise sauce.
It made agriculture a lot harder, but mmm, does it make asparagus taste awesome.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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