[If a person of the "wrong" sex hits on you, just take it as a compliment and move on]
No way. I dont mind gays, but its when/if they try it on, when they cross the line. Theres a place for gays, and gays alike, and that place is a gay club where they can do all the booty poppin they desire. I do, however, believe this is different for women as you are constantly commenting on one another, unlike blokes.
[So, what about those who don't like clubs? Are they SOL (shit out of luck)?]
Dont know your gay terminology of "SOL" so please elaborate.
Look I'm sorry, maybe I'm just having a bad day, but how the hell is this 'fundie'
I don't mean there's nothing wrong with this guy or his attitude, he's clearly a fucktard but that's not what this site is about.
RHCSTDT (Retarded Homophobic Cunts Say The Darnedest Things), fair enough but not here.
"I do, however, believe this is different for women...."
What a huge shock! Stop the presses already!
"Dont know your gay terminology of "SOL" so please elaborate."
It's queerbonics for "Carl is a 'tard."
BWHAHAHAHAAH, SOL.. gay terminology! I guess my days in the US ARmy were gay, cuz SOL was common statement in basic training.
*falls out of her chair laughing*
Should a new section be made entitled "Intollerant Fucks say the Darndest Things?"
It's not fundie, but it doesn't fit under either of the other categories, either.
LOL! "SOL" is "gay terminology", now? Good to know.
Also, if gays aren't allowed to hit on people outside of clubs, the same should hold true for heterosexual men or else you are a hypocrite. I await your feverish justifications.
Okay then. I hereby proclaim that if Carl hits on a woman who is disinterested, she has full rights to take the nearest heavy, blunt object to his cranium, in hopes it may spark some activity in there.
Also, I don't see how this isn't Fundie, but meh.
And fine, he's entitled to his opinion. Let's delete the entire site. *Eyeroll.* Never mind the fact that you really shouldn't get all bent out of shape if someone hits on you, unless they're like trying to grab you, or something.
I guess some people are hitting approve on whatever goes past them. A lot of shit that shouldn't be here is getting approved lately.
Although fundie does not necessarily mean religious.
1 aoften capitalized : a movement in 20th century protestantism emphasizing the literally interpreted Bible as fundamental to Christian life and teaching b: the beliefs of this movement c: adherence to such beliefs
2: a movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles <Islamic fundamentalism> <political fundamentalism>
SOL does mean "shit outta luck", guys. It's not a "gay terminology" at all. This guy is just freaked out by anything that violates the gender binary, and apparently he's noticed that the GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) community uses a lot of acronyms (for example, the one I just explained).
iThink is an application for Facebook and Myspace. People post opinions and then others can vote "Agree" or "Disagree". The person who wrote the original opinion ['If a person of the "wrong" sex hits on you, just take it as a compliment and move on.'] is freaking awesome and I subscribe to her opinions. The fundie who wrote this response (and yes, he's a fundie!) is an idiot and has some batshit-fucking-crazy opinions.
not fundie, but definately homophobic.
Is Carl mincing around the place and flaming? If so, that might be the reason he finds so many homosexuals hitting on him. It might also be the reason he has such a handle on gay terminology.
Carl pretends to be straight, but doesn't seem to be doing a good job of it.
Carl, you DO realize that when somebody flirts with you, this does not create an obligation for you to go "booty poppin'" with him, right?
Esjeur wrote:
"I had guys hitting on me before and I never went apeshit. Take it as a compliment or shut up."
Or throw a drink in his face.
That's what women do when somebody they're not interested in hits on them, after all.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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