1) “Teabaggers”, as you call them, are supportive of a fiscally responsible government. The Tea Party has nothing to do with the belief that Barry was born in Kenya. However, his wife said he was born there and it was recorded on video.
2) Why do PDFs have layers? What does it mean if a document has multiple layers?
Bullshit. The only reason the Tea Party came to existence is because a bunch of white right-wing Republicans got pissed off that a black man became president.
If you don't understand PDF's, then don't run around claiming that the birth certificate was a forgery.
Oh how I wish the copy of Obama's birth certificate would have been released in .jpg format, but then they'd all be shouting "Photoshop!"
OK, if you believe in fiscal responsibility,
1) Why did the Tea Party demand that GWB's temporary tax cuts be made permanent?
2) Why has Congress spent its legislative time repealing Obamacare 40+ times and carrying out fruitless investigations rather than addressing the economy?
3) Why is the Tea Party prepared to tank the economy for the sake of making a point on Obamacare?
4) Why is it obsessed with a return to the gold standard, a folly most countries discovered was ruinous by about 1933?
I suspect there is a high correlation between birthers and tea partiers. It was a local tea party that petitioned Sheriff Arpaio to "investigate" Obama's birth certificate.
You know, that "investigation" that found that the PDF of Obama's birth certificate didn't have ENOUGH "layers."
his wife said he was born there and it was recorded on video.
And you have a link to the video, yes?
What's that? You don't...? You mean you have no evidence for what you claim? Colour me surprised...
Why do PDFs have layers? What does it mean if a document has multiple layers?
Because that's how PDFs are made... and if it has multiple layers, it means it's got multiple fucking layers you ignorant twerp!
“Teabaggers”, as you call them, are supportive of a fiscally responsible government.
So your laserlike focus on jobs is why you've spent the few years desperately trying to ram through abortion restrictions in so many states, outlaw sharia and run the economy into a ditch. Sure, buddy.
@Doubting Thomas
"Bullshit. The only reason the Tea Party came to existence is because a bunch of white right-wing Republicans got pissed off that a black man became president. "
I despise the tea party but that isn't true. The tea party came into existence when Rick Santelli went apeshit on cnbc because of the Homeowners Affordability and Stability Plan and called for protests. The tea party was then co opted by various organizations like Americans for Prosperity where they receive much of their funding from the Koch brothers.
That may be the motivation behind some of its members but to say that is why it was started is just wrong. Not all teabaggers are racists either. The vast majority of them don't have a clue what they are talking about when it comes to the economy or politics but many of them are members because they sincerely believe the government and spending is out of control, not because Obama is black.
Filin: Well, according to them, that is fiscally responsible, because, you know, gayness is bad.
You are aware that teabagging may have more than one meaning.
Check out Wikipedia, they have pictures and everything.
1a) If that was true it would be running on Fox News 24/7.
1b) Fiscally responsible means that you balance your budget, not that your budget is as low as possible.
2) "Layers" are groups of objects. If you scan and object and safe it as a PDF the program breaks apart the image into pieces and then notes were they are in the document. It does this because that's how vector graphics generally work, in PDF the input of bitmap images is just a plus, it was never really made for it - which is, together with filters (what you would normally understand as codecs) why official documents and comic books always look weird as PDF.
1) Technically true, though I believe there is a high correlation between members of the Tea Party and the 'Go Bak 2 Kinay Obama Presinigger' crowd. Also, the point raised by Hasan Prishtina. Plus, the First Lady will state that the President is born in Kenya? Even if it were true, and the proof says it isn't, why would she do that? Le projector du stupide?
2) PDFs? What does that have to do with anything? I apologise for my ignorance.
Do try and remember your own bullshit stories, will you? It was Obama’s grandmother who is supposed to have said that (she didn’t) and it was during a telephone interview!
And “Teabagger” was what the Tea Party members called themselves before they discovered that this term has a prior definition
@ arcanephoenix:
The PDF files of Barack Obama’s birth certificates are layered and that is considered proof“ by birthers that they must be forgeries.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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