Like I am willing to die in the place of a baby that would be aborted. If you know a young or old girl or woman that is considering an abortion I would gladly die in the baby's place. This is not an attempt to shock you, or anyone else, it is what Jesus did for me, and He said "Do what I did."
To be completely honest, this is the best anti-abortion campaign I've ever seen.
"Don't abort and a fundie will kill himself!"
A lot of abortions (though of course, not nearly all of them) are due to economic circumstances making the woman unable to raise a child. So, put your money where your mouth is, or rather, life where your keyboard is, and kill yourself will your money to a pregnant woman considering an abortion.
Write it up, get it notarized, and sign it.
We don't want you backing out at the last minute.
Well besides the fact that the Bible actually states that abortion is not a sin, just a crime against a man (not the woman, but the father of the kid).
If I didn't believe he'd piss himself and deny he ever said this when the knife was at his throat, I'd be willing to agree to it.
This guy just doesn’t get it: the only way that offering himself thus would work is if women were having abortions merely for the sake of killing something.
If he really wants to lower abortion rates, he should support good sex ed and better healthcare options.
Hmmm...k, here's the plan. Someone find me his address, and when I get it in writing that he would really do this, I'll go get knocked up.
We could get such an AMAZING p.r. campaign going here.
Instead of doing that useless and idiotic thing, help them with a pregnancy crisis centre. That you die, it's irrelevant for them. They abort because they can't keep the baby and if you die they STILL will be unable to keep the baby. Or because their life and/or the baby's is in danger, in which case it's even more usesless because, unless medicine works, they're going to die anyway. Also, when people kill, for example, they do it because they have something personal with another person. That you die is irrelevant too.
And by the way, Jesus was killed by a group of people who didn't like his teachings, so the analogy is not very good and it means that you didn't understand the Gospel.
You don't get it, do you?
Your life or death is wholly immaterial, since her objective is to relieve herself of an unwanted pregnancy, not to kill someone.
If you can find a way that your death would relieve her of that pregnancy, then I'd hand you the gun myself. But since that can't happen, you're home free and she's headed for the clinic.
BTW, isn't committing suicide a sin? Or are you suggesting that she should kill you, after which that baby your life bought will grow up in foster homes and youth facilities because its mother has been executed for your murder? And you would so sweetly go to heaven upon your death, leaving behind the destroyed lives of that woman and her child, but who cares? You get to meet JC and his Daddy early.
Disgusting, smug, self-serving death cultist.
I think that the main problem with this guy is one of the hottest in theology(not just mainstream):
a)they misunderstand the sacrifice of Jesus. It's not the mere fact of dying that was worth for Jesus. It's the fact that his death would make his message more understandable and validate whole covenant that God made with his people. Dying, per se, it's not worth, unless the death is somehow connected to the cause of the problem.
b)It's very extended, in some pro-life circles(and specially in the Bible Belt where, non surprisingly, there are more abortions than anywhere else)that women abort for the sake of aborting, for fun. That rather than pro-choice, they're pro-abortion. This way, they can feel morally superior without actually spending money on actually solving the real problem behind. They don't acknowledge that poverty, lack of information, fear and other factors are behind most abortions. The key is, if they're actually trying to save his or her life, not trying to feel contemptously superior to others, they should try to help the mothers in trouble, which, of course, COSTS MONEY(and there we have the main problem, he's able to sacrifice his life but the safe has to be always full?, funny for the follower of Jesus, who reprobed that attitude many times)
Like I am willing to die in the place of a baby that would be aborted. If you know a young or old girl or woman that is considering an abortion I would gladly die in the baby's place. This is not an attempt to shock you, or anyone else, it is what Jesus did for me, and He said "Do what I did."
Well get to it then! There are abortion clinics up and down the country just waiting for you to off yourself. Think of the big political statement you could be making too. You could be like Thích Qu?ng Ð?c and set fire to yourself outside.
I'll bet you wont though.
Maybe instead you should offer to pay all medical expenses (plus extra for the horrifying agony of childbirth) and then adopt and take care of the resulting child.
On second thought, they might be better off not being born than being raised by this person.
actually that is a pretty convincing argument. I'll go get pregnant (making me an abortion prone liberal atheist teenager) and then you kill yourself and give me all of your money. I'll even keep my end of the deal and have the baby. Its pretty worth it for the money and one less crazy fundy.
(btw, he's admitting that adult lives are worth less than fetuses)
'It is what Jesus did for me, and He said "Do what I did."'
Okay, we're gonna nail you to a cross, just like Jesus did. But in your case, let's hope you don't rise from the dead.
"If you know a young or old girl or woman that is considering an abortion I would gladly die in the baby's place"
I happen to know a woman who is pregnant, and is considering having an abortion. 'I would gladly die in the baby's place', you say? Okay.
Because you wouldn't want to admit you're a worse-than hypocrite , would you...?! >:D
How would that work?
Like, in an ectopic pregnancy.
Woman: What’s wrong?
Ultrasound Tech: Your fetus is attached to your tube, not the uterus. If it doesn’t come out, it’ll Kill you at some point.
Woman: Com e out? You mean like abortion…. Well, okay.
nicodemus: NO! Take me instead.
State Legislator: Okay. (Shoots nicodemus) Sorry, there’s alreayd been one unnecessary death in this case. No abortions for you.
Mom: Won’t _I_ die unnecessarily without an abortion?
SL Yes, but this is already settled.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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