TheOfficeOfTheNight #fundie
Political Correctness never was about being offensive, every living person will sooner or later be offended by someone or something. It is all about language manipulation and censorship to promote an agenda, camouflaged as appropriateness. It is using flowery euphemisms to soften injustices and immorality and to sway opinions by redefining words to accomplish goals. It does not immediately change what people think, it only changes what they can say. Eventually, however, it eliminates opposing thoughts altogether because if you control the language, you control how people think. That is why Political Correctness is promoted by the radical reformist movement; they can keep changing the goal posts in attempted to eventually change societies thinking.
For example, the use of the acronym LGBT even in an opposing presentation is, in fact, supporting the pro-sodomy movement because pro-activists established it. The list of sexual orientations is a long one, however, pro-sodomy activists chose LGBT because the acronym pulls select behaviors from the complete list of other orientations including pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia/bestiality, etc. (from "Paraphilias," Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Washington: American Psychiatric Association, pp. 566-582). It separates the idea of “bad or immoral behavior" and ties it in with "the person" which plays right into the hand of Identity Politics, the “Social Justice” ideology and the Politically Correct movement. Activists did this in order to lessen the stigma of sodomy. In actuality, we are letting them control the language by using it. The term “social justice” is in parenthesizes because there is really no such thing as social injustice, there is merely injustice.
Another perfect example of the madness of Political Correctness is the initial redefining of “physical violence” to cover verbal abuse, then the eventual redefining of, or the attempt at redefining, verbal abuse to include “offensive to”, which brought about the whole “microagression culture” on many college campuses followed by “safe zones” (even if there was no intended malice in the offense). This has now lead to moving the goal posts once again to demand the use of specialized, and “newly created and defined” pronouns.
Those influenced by the Politically Correct Cyclone have even gone full circle with racism. They now justify hate of white people based solely on their skin color yet fully celebrate Black History Month. Certain transgender groups are now objecting to “bisexual” because it presumes the existence of only two genders and feminists are at odds with transgenderism because it promotes more than two genders. Yet feminists protest side by side with radical Islamists who defame, defile and even deform women through genital mutilation.
So is it honestly at all surprising that many conservatives would like nothing more than to sit down and honestly examine why you disagree with their position, however, many of the opposition are not interested in the conservative viewpoint on any issue, they simply want you to agree with them and if you are unwilling to do so, they feel the need to force into compliance?