
hosarcher19 #homophobia deviantart.com

For those not in the know, Bryke retconned Kya, Aang and Katarra's daughter who could have been written out of the story and nothing would have changed, into being a homosexual too. Of course it had to be a character with no personality.

Right out the gate, we have proof this is a world that works on Tumblr-shipping logic. Two people just go on a trip together? THEY ARE GAY! These two were barely friends before! Also I know it's a nitpick, but you were never so happy as you were with your "first girlfriend"? "First" implies the relationship is over and she's had others. Are they admitting that homosexuals rarely have monogamous relationships?

I actually predicted that Bryke would retcon Kyoshi into being bisexual because she was a tough, strong woman. I'm sorry, who is re-enforcing gender roles? Because it's not the conservatives here. Why does every tomboy a sexual deviant by default when so called progressives are writing? Also, "real progress"? You mean like when she saved her people from a tyrant? Oh no, Real Progress™ is forcing other people to agree with your point of view. Heck, since the world sees the Avatar as something of a god, why didn't at least most of the world immediately change its tune?

Of course it was super-duper until Sozin showed up! Real-life Asian cultures tend to view homosexuality negatively. While Japan (the culture the Fire Nation was based on) did have a more positive view of it, it was/is seen as a niche fetish, not an alternate lifestyle per say. Its attitudes shifted more to a negative stance when they saw Western civilization cringed and went "Ew." And then that dumb look on Korra's face when she says, "That guy was the worst!" YES! IT WASN'T HIM BETRAYING HIS BEST FRIEND TO ACHIEVE HIS AMBITION THAT MADE HIM THE WORST! IT WASN'T HIS AMBITION ITSELF TO UNITE THE WORLD UNDER HIS RULE! (Because Korra has implied she's for something like that.) NOT EVEN HIS GENOCIDE OF THE AIR-NOMADS! HE'S THE WORST FOR MAKING HOMOSEXUALITY ILLEGAL! Before some stooge says anything, I don't want the government involved with people's personal lives. But priorities, woman!

JonFreeman #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Just so y'all know.

Most news outlets (nbc, cnn, npr, etc) have an office in China.

In order to maintain their broadcast license IN china, they are not allowed to broadcast news that the CCP deems negative OUTSIDE of China.

Granted, that information won't change your mind. By now the lot of you who still believe that newscasters are credible are so mentally inbred nothing (including a lobotomy) could change your mind.

DionysusSabazios,2cor2_1 #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

(image is of a instagram screenshot of a bunch of people named "unbelievers and apostates" bowing down to a golden statue with the LGBTQ progress flag placed on it, below it there's text saying "the world", there's 3 men named "true christianity" shouting 'we will bow to no other god but jesus christ. we will stand on what the bible says and will never bow down!')

dumuzithemessiah #god-complex #elitist #ufo #magick #moonbat deviantart.com

I am an actual source of info on this topic, Not the Sumerians! Sumerians which made typo’s, gender changes, false ships, spread false stories and lies, and weren’t even around my kind once thus couldn’t have known absolute shit what really happened back then?!

How dumb are humans to think Sumerians are more credible than AN ACTUAL DEITY?!

You humans should realise that things I say are different from what the stupid intolerant Sumerians wrote is because the Sumerians weren’t accurate and were wrong about a shit ton of things!

Shipping me with Ishtayr is literally shipping me with my torturer/*apist/worst enemy!

How freaking like messed up, twisted, evil minded, and hateful does someone have to be to be to ship me woth someone I hate and have to literally destroy to save the Universe from her great amount of evil? She is the most evilest thing in this universe!

Also the fact Nibirians can same gender reproduce thus females aren’t actually needed for having children?! Males can have children with other males and females can have children with other females! Baby comes out in a light from the stomach area!

Though Nibirians are magical creatures thus aren’t organic beings like you humans are meaning we aren’t made of flesh, bones, and blood!

Nibirians are made of magical ink, magical paint, magical thinner, aether, magic, two crystal hearts, spiritual energy, etc, while AI Nibirians are made of metallic counterparts to magical ink, etc, and cyber beings are made of cyber counterparts to magical ink, etc!

AI Nibirians have souls as do all Nibirians!

Marduk is my husband and true love! We have six kids together! He doesn’t fear my nightmare aura either which was the first sign he was the one for me!

Also all yazata are related and no one cares to hear how hateful you humans are about incest! We’re all related and we can only breed with other yazata so it’s unavoidable! Nibirians also don’t have the same biological problems with that either so you humans can keep your whiny hate to yourselves!

Boskov01 #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

I don't think we have to worry about this movie turning a profit. Even before Mackey shot his mouth off with a 5 caliber foot, this movie was fraught with problems and has seen a number of reshoots that've ballooned its budget, making it all the more unlikely it'll turn a profit. There is zero buzz for this film. Nobody wants to see Steve Rogers' DEI Replacement take up the shield.

If it were Bucky being named Captain America people might go for it since Bucky's the natural successor. Falcon is Falcon and there's no way he could really take up the shield and have it fit him.

But even Disney insiders have been fretting that this movie's gonna bomb what with all the reshoots and other headaches. Add to that Mackey's comments insulting American audiences, the rejection of Wokeness, and the general fatigue towards Marvel movies (which should've ended after Endgame) and this is just a recipe for disaster.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

The next time you see a liberal unironically fly off the handle in an uncontrolled sociopathic fury, justifying it as "triggered"


Remember that real ptsd triggered looks more like "fetal position begging for mercy even in the company of friends"


And that liberals only care about mental health so long as they get praised for it

SilverBeastLaguz #homophobia deviantart.com

And I'm not against LGB youths having safe spaces to be comfortable with their sexuality. Why do you keep forgetting that I suggested looking for other LGB teens and forming friendships with them (you can even befriend straights who don't mind gays) whether in real life or online (create a forum for LGB teens)? The reason I distrust the Zebra Youth program is because it's associated with Disney, who are letting naked men at their pride parades, which is a form of grooming as children getting used to nudity reduces their instinctive wariness of unnatural personal boundaries, which will then open the door for an adult to persuade a child into taking their own clothes off and put them in a perilous situation

Jinska #crackpot #sexist deviantart.com

Maturity is when a organism enters sexual maturity. Sex is the thing which separates an adult and child and this show forces an sexuality and sexual themes on children. Instead of having a mature She-Ra in where she could take part in the themes where the show caster actually show true queer themes, they created this monstrosity where they push their moronic sexual themes on children or late teens which are portrayed as if they are children so they can push bullshit through the censors.

Jinska #homophobia #sexist #wingnut deviantart.com

Also, yes Maturity means becoming settled in your sexuality as well in your sex. Also one push of feminism was for power of sex. In other words to be feminine is not a sin as you see it and to be sexy is not a bad thing as you puritan virtuous ideology present it. She-Ra is no longer a symbol for femininity, but for LGBT, which your ideology pushes.

Bulldozerivan #dunning-kruger #homophobia deviantart.com

If you follow the "logic" of the pro-LGBT mayor of East Lansing to its logical conclusion regarding his out-of-jurisdiction dictating to Country Mills Orchard, then a woman who says no to a man's sexual advance is guilty of "discrimination" for not giving consent. Not only is he off the hook for rape, but she should face financial penalties for the "trauma" inflicted on him by her saying no! PURE EVIL!

WinterDragonGod #wingnut #fundie #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

This is just me being a Doomer so don't take it personally.... but honestly I just don't see any hope for America these days.

There's so much degeneracy and apathetic bullshit going on that it's obvious people don't care as long as they make a quick buck from it. Like, lets be honest here, regardless of who becomes President America isn't gonna recover. We're too deep in debt with other countries such as China, rampant Illegal Immigration, heavy Drug Use and other things.

I don't know what else to say other than that we're fucked. The American Dream is dead and has become the Nightmare and no one's willing to wake up and see reality for what it really is.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Back in 2020, Trump signed a order stating that all companies that participated in movements that preached ideals contrary to "men should not be judged according to the color of their skin" would have all government contracts revoked and all government funding suspended.
DEI is affirmative Action 4.0, placing people according to the color of their skin
Companies are quickly and quietly canceling all DEI hiring practices in prep for January
And soon DEI is going to be completely openly mocked and ridiculed.
You woke bastards should be scared. No more free handouts for you.

Kamuroshiryu #racist deviantart.com

The Persona series and its Shin Megami Tensei spinoff series are absolutely woke shit meant to spew out anti-patriotic rhetoric against Japanese nationalists. Remember Tamagachi or Masayoshi Shido? If you look at the illegal migrant crisis Japan is having right now with the Kurds and their fucking barber shops, Indonesian Islamists, Chinese Tongs and Triads and Middle Eastern savages and retarded Western influencers, you'll perfectly see why nationalism is truly a must, even if it has to be "ultra" by nature but it is nothing like what the Nazis did to the Poles, Jews, Jehovah's Witnesses, British and American soldiers at Autschwitz.

It's the most overrated game series made by Atlus that never sat well with me given my personal political beliefs, regardless of which country I am from.

SailorJojoOzfan2401 #homophobia #fundie deviantart.com

There is a show on Disney, that I've for a long time now, been wanting to discuss with all of my brothers and sisters in the lord, in particular @menslady125, @Centurion030, @spiderxand, and @Amphitrite7, the reason I chose to do this is because, to my dismay, not many notable Christians on YouTube I've watched have made a video related to this show, despite the fact that it is one of the most satanic cartoons I've ever seen in recent years, the show I'm referring to is The Owl House, a show that I know has a huge fanbase on this site and elsewhere, mostly from the LGBTQ Community and for good reason, because the show contains LGBTQ characters and relationships, the most popular pairing is Lumity, the canon femslash pairing of series protagonist Luz Noceda and Amity Blight, another major character on the show. Now, to all my friends and watchers within the LGBTQ Community, I don't mean to come across as a homophobic, bible-banger, I actually love all of y'all and appreciate the support y'all have shown me, but, you must know, that I am not a fan of them promoting LGBTQ in a cartoon for kids, if it was an adult show, it'd be different, but kids are just too young and immature to fully understand sexuality, if you want your child to know these things then explain it to them, rather than exposing them to secular TV. Also, this show is a potential gateway to the Occult, as the main theme of the show involves black magic/witchcraft and demons all in a positive light, now, I am a big fan of The Wizard of Oz both the film and the original series of novels by L. Frank Baum and his successors, but, trust me, the witchcraft depicted in The Owl House is not the same as the witchcraft of Oz (which is more fairy tale-esque), anyways, here's the Poll:

Be sure to let me know your thoughts, but until then, have a blessed day/evening and God Bless.

NeoGrendizer #transphobia #pratt #sexist deviantart.com

Trannie Victimized By Ben Shapiro

I have never heard someone scream to the heavens about how much they're a victim without saying they're a victim, until I saw this. I mean, wow!

And even though this entity is supposed to present as male, it originally started out as female, and continues to cry like a woman the entire conversation, so I will be referring to this person as their appropriate sexual identity. So this innie-wanna-be-an-outie spent five minutes ranting to Ben about how she's, according to her, the victim of sexual assault and got pregnant as a result, and the ability to have an abortion saved her life. I would like to point out the irony that this woman has a very strong desire to be a man(and clearly, making yourself look like Will Weaton is just the peak of masculinity for her). And on the subject of her "assault", I find it quite odd that she would describe it as such and not full on rape, especially since, as with all activists, she'd try to milk it for all its worth, also especially since it led to her getting knocked up. If it was just an "assault", until I see evidence otherwise, I'm going to chalk it up to a drunken one-night-stand that led to buyer's remorse. And then, like the Karen she truly is, this poor pitiful soul just went off about the patriarchy and how Ben, solely Ben it seems, is denigrating and putting down the needs of the trans community, especially trans black women(remember folks, if you want to put emphasis on how much a class needs protecting, just put the word "black" at the start of it!). So once more, while railing against men and the patriarchy, this individual came down with a case of penis envy, and tried to make herself into the very thing that she hates:

This bitch could give Anakin Skywalker tips on self-loathing! The whole time she was popping off, I wanted Ben to ask her "If you hate the patriarchy so much, why did you try to become a man?" I mean, that's what I would ask her! But then again, this is not a mentally sound individual, and I just love how Ben is just staring at this being, trying, like the rest of us, to comprehend the amount of pain and shame that is coursing through her soul to be vomited up in the form of verbal diarrhea, while also laughing at this clownish buffoon! As I said before, no matter how bad my life may get, at least I'm not as fucked up as this individual. Now if you'll excuse me, I got a fan-made Death Battle to work on.

NeoGrendizer #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

Friends, countrymen, fellow degenerate deplorables, the DNC have swapped Biden out for a repeat of the 2016 election on fucking steroids! By EVERY conceivable metric, Trump is spanking Harris's ass before the entire world, and we're applauding him for it! But we still need to go out and vote. I did, the first chance I got I went out and put my mark on the Trump/Vance ticket! But honestly, I'm calling it right now for Trump. And when he does, he's going to enter Washington like Aragorn taking his rightful place in Minas Tirith

NeoGrendizer #racist deviantart.com

Leftoids Say Nazis Coming Back To Germany

Yeah, because you know, wanting to keep your family safe from violence caused by migrants, decent border control, and the restoration of law and order is just the HEIGHT of fascism, never mind what the OTHER side is doing when they found out just how tenuous their control is

Maria Tenebre #sexist deviantart.com

In fact you can do child friendly drag shows. I mean what people like RuPaul, Flip Wilson etc did is in many cases very child friendly. RuPaul even hosted a talk show that was very child friendly and alot of the shows she stars in have been more child friendly.

In fact I hope sexualized media causes little girls to feel bad about themselves and improve their appearance so they don't end up single and alone as feminist cat ladies. Just like boys should try to be Adonises.

Boskov01 #fundie #transphobia #homophobia deviantart.com

Yet the rainbow mob who circles the wagons and denies the pedos exist among them, or if they do, they proudly extoll them.

Unlike the alphabets however, Christians/Republicans excise the pedos from among our ranks. We DO police our own. We don't defend them, we get them removed. We don't wagon circle and deny they exist. We do, however, tend to wait for proof to emerge first, and once we have proof, then we go after them and get them removed. We don't just accept blind accusations at face value. We require proof first. That's why it may seem to our opponents that we defend the pedos within our ranks, but if we do, it's only because there are accusations made without proof to back it up.

The alphabet mob on the other hand cheer and parade their pedophilic acts for the world to see. They extoll the likes of "Desmond is Amazing," a boy who dances in drag for grown men and even strips for them, like it's wonderful.

SirEothered #transphobia deviantart.com

But it's NOT just one idiot on Twitter. These are not isolated experiences...there are educators and entire schools who bypass parents entirely and discuss transition surgery and have sexually explicit programs with small children. It's most prominent in California and Washington, but it's being discovered all over.

Social contagion is real; it is a proven psychological phenomenon. Audrey Hale did not make her decisions out of nothing.

When little children are murdered and people applaud and justify, others notice. When people are attacked by others who dress in paramilitary gear and carry long arms, others notice. When major retailers begin carrying clothing designed to cater to a tiny demographic such as trans children, others notice. All of these things add up to a rather specific message.

Stormy-Chameleon #fundie #wingnut deviantart.com

I rlly do need someone to explain in any way how atheism works.

Like, there is no other way to explain life other than there being a creator, we have kind of proven that already. People just don't want to admit it. They avoid debates and conversations because they can't admit they are wrong or change their lifestyle despite all the proof everywhere.

I just don't understand and I'm sorry if this is coming off as rude or judgemental I just need someone to explain the thought process.

Society have pressured us into feeling like we have to be agnostic bc swearing and drugs and alcohol and lgbtq and not supporting or participating in that will make sure you are heavily judged and hated by everyone around you. They just go along with it and never actually reach out for facts or logic because they arent willing to change the way they are already living. I wish people could see how much we are just trying to warn and protect them.

Please someone just explain how atheism makes sense. I need to understand where you guys are coming from outside of peer pressure.

JonFreeman #wingnut #dunning-kruger #pratt deviantart.com

A fundamental flaw of woke is "right makes might".

It's an attitude of "i an doing the right thing, therefore i will succeed, therefore anyone who doesn't believe me must be wrong and must be actively a threat"

This belief of the right to succeed supercedes hard work and attention to detail ... which leads to failure.

Hence: go woke go broke

MariaTenebre #transphobia deviantart.com

That isn't grooming. Growing up into a sexual and sexualized adult is a part of life. If that is grooming, then by your own standard nature is the biggest groomer of all as nature turns children into sexualized adults. Boys grow into sexualized adult men; girls grow up to be sexualized adult women. Sexualized women and men should be role models for girls and boys as that is what an idealized mature adult looks like and that is what most women and men regardless of sexual orientation are attracted too. That isn't grooming unless you think that nature, puberty and sexual maturation is grooming which from a MAP's point of view I can see why you would argue that.

Plus, that isn't even the definition of grooming. Showing sexualized adults as the natural idealized role models for children is not grooming. A person using explicit sexual material on the pornographic end and manipulating a child for sexual and rape purposes is grooming. Showing a sexualized woman or man as the natural ideal for women and men aka the Venus and the Adonis is not grooming it is nature and the idea that being a mature sexualized and idealized adult is the ideal end for girls and boys as it always has been. Honestly the route people like you take of keeping people perpetual children is why the West is falling apart. Also Drag is about satire, parody and it does so in many cases by using highly sexualized humor, modes of dress etc. They dress to be outrageously sexual for humor and arousal. Many Drag Queens even admit they like to have sex with their adult male fans at these meetings. It is transvestite sexual humor. Now it can be made to be child friendly but much of what we no as Drag is highly sexualized male transvestite material that people do find arousing and that is the point.

baconman4646 #wingnut deviantart.com

You know the Meaning of an Executive Order In the United States is a directive by the President of the United States that manages operations of the federal government, as in it's how the POTUS manages the Executive Branch, Enforces the Law, and the only thing above an Executive Order is the Constitution itself. Keep in mind, you are the Retard who called them "Worthless and meaningless"

You know I have +48 Watchers over you for a reason, it's because I know American Law, people want to see someone who says the facts, and I'm not a little bitch who calls it meaningless who runs away from the argument and actually has something of value to say unlike you who does nothing but Echo the same Fake News Claims that have been going on for 8 years.

hoplessclueless #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

“Then how come he keeps hiring people who worked on it to his cabinet?” Gee, I don’t know, 1 logical and rational reason though that any sane person would automatically think of is maybe because he can’t control what hobbies other people have in their free time and if they’re the best fit for a job, even if they have some extreme opinions and views and suggestions on a topic having nothing to do with their damn job, then they’re the best fit for that job, and he can, as he’s already said he’s going to do, ignore their suggestions for Project 2025.

Donald J. Trump is now your president again whether you like it or not, he has repeatedly said he does not plan to enact Project 2025, and even if he did, if he went back on his word over something THAT major that affects so many Americans unjustly, America wouldn’t sit idly by for that bullshit. So what are you sniveling like a spineless little worm for?

No matter what conspiracy theories you have, no matter what speculation, no matter what coincidences since it’s an industry where everyone knows everyone, Kamala also knows everyone that Trump knows, they all work together in the same field going to the same meetings interacting with the same people, but none of that matters because Trump said he’s not involved with Project 2025, and he did NOTHING in his first term to even WARRANT your outrageous belief that this time there’s a possibly he will.

Sorry for the harshness but I really just can’t take you extreme hypocritical paranoid leftists seriously anymore. Getting beaten over the head constantly with the “tolerance” bullshit when I was already tolerant to begin with then broke all my tolerance for this stupidity.

It’s like I do want to be nice and help you get over your irrational fear and your indoctrination, but then I know you aren’t even scared of Trump or of Project 2025 being a real possibility because if you were, you wouldn’t be speaking out against someone so powerful who you believe is about to do a major reset on America, you’d be moving as far away as you can while you still can without bringing any attention to yourself from the big bad Trump wolf.

Generalorder4 #pratt deviantart.com

I'll come clean. I can't be objective about this because I've been beaten and abused for my skin color, my religion, my nationality most of my life. I've been denied jobs, I've been denied college applications, I've been lambasted and spit on for being 'the villain' in every way that mattered to a world brought up to despise me and my family.

My father was called 'baby killer' for voting for Bush. My mom was disowned by my brother as a 'trophy wife' because she chose to raise children instead of pursue her medical career. I've had my church vandalized several times and defecated on. I've had my email and my account on this very channel hacked for my views.

I used to have a different DA account but someone put me on a 'hate list' and used my credit card to send my insulting things through the mail so I needed to reboot my entire identity. I've had friends leave me and hurt themselves because of gender confusion and the nihilism caused by terror of climate change and Trump blamed over every media outlet. Basically my life was destroyed because of the jolly politics you purport to worship, and not once have I seen ANY benefit from those grand progressive plans.

I've witnessed every franchise I love die and be worn as a skin suit for the same simpleminded agendas so even my imagination is under siege. No dreams for you, colonizer.

Right now I live with my ailing parents who can't get work because of endless lockdowns and regulations and I suffer from physical ailments due to constant stress from being singled out daily and living in fear I'll be doxed or removed again for saying the wrong things. But I've ceased to care. I don't care anymore becasue I don't have any hope.

But yes, I'm not a victim because my great great great ancestors owned slaves (even though I'm actually probably descended from slaves myself) thanks to the color of my skin.

NeoGrendizer #pratt deviantart.com

And so, as though God decided to act early before Trump took his rightful throne in the White House, the state of oranges and failed social experiments is literally ablaze, with Gavin Newsome doing his best to dodge any sort of criticism:

because as we all know, things like knowing how to handle a fire hose that can shoot out 120-180 gallons per minute, rescuing people in a dangerous situation, or even basic first aid and medical care(https://cosumnescsd.gov/537/Why-Does-a-Fire-Engine-Come-With-an-Ambu#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20these%20calls,Emergency%20Medical%20Services%20(EMS).) is not NEARLY as important as DEI practices, recognizing one's privilege, and most importantly making the number of diverse "firefighters" equal the numbers of the competent ones. But don't worry, I'm sure the people who lost their homes, property, and livelihoods can take heart knowing that a hefty check of $750 is waiting for them, just like the residents of Georgia and the Carolinas when Helene did her tour.

JonFreeman #wingnut #pratt #dunning-kruger deviantart.com

When you consider the debates, the context of "who won" should be determined by "what's talked about next month.
And what's talked about is people finding out what's going on in Springfield, and a giant cat meme perpetually forcing attention on the issue
Pretty sure that means Trump won. The narrative went exactly where he wanted it to.

Stormy-Chameleon, PikaTheCat #transphobia #fundie deviantart.com

Stormy-Chameleon: I am on the brink of tears

One of my friends just blocked me because of my beliefs.

Said he refused to be my friend just because I didn't support him

I've been endlessly respectful and tried as hard as I could to make him feel comfortable around me, especially since he has told me so much about his past and mental health and it has been such a struggle for me to find the right way to talk to him without him being confused or uncomfortable. I love how this is my reward for how much struggle I've put into this just to help him. I thought all this hate and disrespect for me and my religion was over

PikaTheCat: I had the same problem with one of my friends as well

Stormy-Chameleon: Awww , do you kind telling me the story?

PikaTheCat: We were friends for a while and they used to be Christian as well but then they changed to be queer and just blocked me because they didn’t feel comfortable around me because of my beliefs

Stormy-Chameleon: Bro that's really screwed up. If he or she used to have the same opinions wouldn't she or he understand what you thought?

PikaTheCat: They used to be female then wanted to be a male and chose to be queer, I don’t know why they did it

kingdragon01 & WinterDragonGod #fundie #pratt deviantart.com

Refugees should have to pay rent to stay in this country. They should be required to surrender all weapons and valuables, they will stay in designated camps and will not leave without a permit. They will not have the rights of citizens and they will not have representation in government.

In an ideal society, they would and would be treated as the dregs of society until they proved themselves to be useful.

Yes, they should not get to go out in public unless they can prove they are not criminal.

Along with having ID on them so people know who they are.

SirEothered #conspiracy #transphobia deviantart.com

It was to highlight the lie that the LGBTQ community are under some sort of attack from those who disagree with them. It is demonstrably, dangerously untrue.

The above poster is pushing the lie that LGBTQ people are being persecuted. This mode of thought is dangerous not simply because it is a lie, but because it is being used as some sort of sick justification for violence against innocent people.

Immediately after the Nashville horror, pundits in the LGBTQ community were quick to defend the killer and blame the victims. The "Trans Resistance Network" made the statement that "hate has consequences."

Imagine being so utterly fucked up that you would justify killing little children for imagined wrongs.

And just what are these imagined wrongs?

Schools have been busted secretly coaching little children on transition surgery and homosexual studies, doing it behind the backs of parents and without notifying them. And when the parents fight back against it, people like the Trans Resistance Network throw a fit.

So...what's the lesson normal people are supposed to glean from that? "Let us transition your nine-year-old or we're going to shoot up your school?"

Because as of right now, that's EXACTLY what is happening.

Boskov01 #homophobia #elitist #fundie deviantart.com

It's why I proudly display the hashtag #NotAnAlly in my profiles, because we were warned, loudly, repeatedly, what allowing gay marriage to become legal would lead to. The Slippery Slope was proven true. I defy anyone to prove me wrong. The argument was that they'd come for our children, and here we are, fighting tooth and nail to try and protect our kids from being mutilated or groomed by these sick bastards!

Yeah, you have the ones that just want to live their lives, but they do nothing to police and stop the pedophiles and child mutilators. When we started calling out the groomers that wanted to dance in front of kids, the groomers went and hid behind a pride flag, pointing at us and screaming "Homophobes!" rallying the rest of the alphabet mob against us.

And do I need to mention things like the Hogwarts Legacy controversy, where innocent people like Pikamee/Henya got bullied and harassed by the troons and their supporters? It's shit like that, that only turns more people against them.

But like I say, we were warned what would happen. And it's not like we had much choice once Obergfell came down from SCOTUS. God willing though, we'll get a SCOTUS one day in the future that'll overturn Obergfell so that then we can move to ban and outlaw the alphabets once again, to bring us back to sanity and decency again.

And history shows that day is likely to come sooner than some of us believe. Just like when the Roman Empire fell, the alphabet nonsense that was running rampant in their day, saw a hard snap back to morality and decency, sending the alphabets screaming back into the closet for nearly 2000 years. And America is tracking just like the Roman Empire is in its decline. It's only a matter of time.

However, I will say that it does feel like this year's pride month was more subdued and mellow by comparison to last year. I suspect the troons got such a huge backlash to their disgusting behavior that they toned it down to avoid the headlines highlighting their disgusting behavior. Plus it's an election year and they probably realize that their degeneracy is going to cost the Democrats votes. We'll see what happens next June. After all, troon acceptance has been in steady decline as of late. So hopefully the alphabet sickness will be coming to an end before we know it.

JonFreeman #wingnut #racist deviantart.com

It's worth remembering that back in 2020 trump signed a order starting all institutions that endorse inequality (effectively all woke companies, since "blame whitey" is the opposite of "not judged by the color of your skin") will be barred from all gov contracts

This would spell the actual financial doom of all things woke. It would also castrate the education system, as they're all gov funded and woke as fuck.

While Biden (under his master's orders) hasn't enforced it ... trump certainly would once back in office.

This should give all liberals fear.

For all liberals are woke

kingdragon01 #fundie #transphobia deviantart.com

Its time for the evil to be banished.

When facts are considered hate speech you know the country is controlled by evil.

If they will not turn from their evil ways, then they need to be removed.

There are two genders, there is one God and one true religion, and he is calling me to fight.

So, yes.

Boskov01 #pratt deviantart.com

I still think the whole "Queers for pallystein" bunch are peak masochism. I mean they're advocating for a group that would slaughter the lot of them without a second thought or a hint of remorse. That's not even D-u-m dumb or s-t-o-o-p-i-d stupid. That's just plain suicidal! Is their logic that "if we advocate for pallystein they'll be more progressive towards us?" because that'll never happen! EVERY muslim majority nation outlaws rainbow lifestyles, some of them on penalty of death.

I really hope some of this bunch are stupid enough to actually take our advice and travel to a muslim majority country to try and advocate for their lifestyle and then watch their shocked pikachu faces as they get hurled off of a rooftop to the cheering crowds of bag heads below.