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Know that women are inferior. They are in some ways better than us: doing the dishes, cooking, and staying in the house. And that's where they belong. Do you know that women were much happier before feminism? That says a lot.

Know the only thing (other than being in the house) they are good for is their pussies. Remove a pussy from a woman and what remains? A stupid child and teenager. Who the fuck wants to be with a teenager? The only thing women are good for is being fucked. Yes yes, your beta self thinks this is wrong. I don't blame you - we live in the era of feminism and the era of political correctness. But no. That's the truth. The only good thing women have are their pussies. Would you talk to a woman if she didn't have a pussy? I doubt it.

Therefore, women should not withhold sex from their husbands. If they withhold sex, they reject their nature. A woman who withholds sex is not a woman. There is a reason nobody pays attention to fat and/or ugly women. They aren't attractive, so we don't have to have sex with them ---> They are not complete women (and if they don't even stay in their houses, then they are trash). There is a reason we are attracted to beautiful women, to young women.

It's simple, actually. We want to have sex with women - meaning, attractive and young females. Females who withhold sex, who are fat and ugly are not as feminine as hot women. It's like how short and ugly men must be very good at game to get laid - they have it worse than tall men. It's sad, but it's the truth.

Women who don't offer sex, who don't become mothers, who don't at least help the household, are not women.

Know that women can't be trusted. They are emotional creatures - they aren't familiar with logic. They will leave you if they find someone better. They will cheat. That's normal. It's their nature. It hurts knowing that, but at least now you know the truth.

Know that you are alone. No woman will ever truly care for you. No woman will listen to your problems. The only thing they can provide is their pussies - you can't expect anything else. Also know that you can't be friends with a woman.

Know that feminism is bullshit. Know that misandry is everywhere. (while I type this, my spell checker for google chrome says that misandry is wrong, it's not a word. You know we live in a feminist world when even Google doesn't acknowledge that misandry exists)

Know about the ways women manipulate men. Know about the wall, about the cock carousel.

Know that by marrying you are committing suicide.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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