On principle, I think vaccines are great (our older kids got all of them), but once we found out that our second son was severely autistic and thimerosal (a preservative in some vaccines) was implicated, we became more cautious. Somewhere along the way we found out about the aborted fetal cells, too.
I have a pet hunch that, instead of thimerosal, a curse borne of those cells may be the culprit...
...I'm sorry, what do vaccines have to do with aborted fetal cells?
On top of that, sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate (a.k.a. thimerosal) in vaccines has been officially disproven to be the cause of autism in children.
In any case, even if it were true, better to live in relative peace with autism (where we have fully functioning normal people with autism today) than to die painfully with the flu, n'est ce pas?
There is no evidence with a connection between autism and thimerosal.
Also, the dark ages called, they want their conspiracy theory back.
"...I'm sorry, what do vaccines have to do with aborted fetal cells? "
Cells used in some, most/all? I don't know the exact details, come from aborted fetuses like 30-40 years ago. Those cells are now adult cells.
And stfu with this stupid vaccine and autism shit. Sigh, fundies, just die already.
Your concerns, while groundless, sounded sane until that last sentance.
And Autism happens 'cause Jesus hates you, or because he likes Autistic people (We are awfully cute).
Is it me, or does this kind of slide from fairly reasonable, dumb but relativdely reasonable, fundie, and then the final sentence is just fucking stupid.
If thimerosal causes autism, how come autism has continued to rise since thimerosal was removed from most childhood vaccines? Autism may well have an undiscovered environmental cause, but vaccines aren't it.
What are you doing sinner???? Gawd is punishing you for going to a doctor. Dont not mock gawd.
For it says: Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sign psalms. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the lard. And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the lard shall raise him up. And if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven. James 5: 13-15.
If you would have just trusted gawd, and prayed like your wholly babble teaches you, then everything would have been A-OK. I suspect it is your lack of faith and prayer that is the culprit.
First, the connection between autism and vaccines has not been made. What may be happening is that autism is often diagnosed at the same age that children are receiving many vaccines. It is likely just a coincidence of timing.
Second, you need to put your pet hunch to sleep as there are no such thing as curses.
"I have a pet hunch that, instead of thimerosal, a curse borne of those cells may be the culprit..."
And I have a pet hunch that you've abandoned all rationality. Weren't the Dark Ages long enough for you?
"On principle, I think..."
You see, that's where your story falls down.
VACCINES DO NOT CAUSE AUTISM ( nor do curses). Ugh.
Just because a child who is autistic got vaccines doesn't mean they caused it. Babies get vaccines early. Usually before autism is diagnosed. Your child was already autistic. This is not a complicated thing to understand.
My advice to all fundamental cultists is to not seek any form of medication, whether it be preventative, alleviative or curative, at any time, as by doing so, you'll be insulting God.
> Somewhere along the way we found out about the aborted fetal cells , too.
I have a pet hunch that, instead of thimerosal, a curse borne of those cells may be the culprit... <
Long shot here - is this about stem cell research?
"...aborted fetal cells..."
believe it or not, 'dem libruls have been feeding you these aborted fetal cells your entire life. they come from chickens, they call them "eggs"
No, actually the fact that your son is autistic is your fault. Well, in the sense that it was yours and (presumably) your husband's genes that caused it, BECAUSE THAT'S HOW AUTISM WORKS.
Heh heh...
What the shit?!
I'm sorry your son is severely autistic. That's a big parenting challenge.
You have my best wishes. But honestly? Do you really believe a kind and loving God smites children with debilitating lifelong conditions as punishment for their receiving a vaccine meant to help them? You said yourself you didn't even know about the aborted fetal cells when you got the vaccine. No one told you, and your son didn't even have a say about it. Why would God do that to you for trying to protect your children in good faith?
If you're going to believe in a good God who loves you, BELIEVE in it.
If I recall, ONLY the vaccine of rubeola was tested in ONE aborted fetus in 1955. And if I remember well, autism is detected from birth, long before vaccines are available. Please, look for better excuses.
A curse? Did an adult in the civilized world in the year 2009 actually say that their child is the victim of a curse?
And funny, they will still claim to love this god who put a curse on their son.
Its neither, you fucking moron. Do some research. And stop believing in magic. Seriously. That shit should have died with the Renaissance. I have no clue why it should still be around, but I suspect its because people like you haven't been neutered.
The idea that vaccines cause autism has little supporting evidence and has always been heavily disputed. As such, it is often regarded as nothing more than a myth. A quick Google search will suffice.
The rest of your post is just nonsense.
On principle, I think vaccines are great (our older kids got all of them), but once we found out that our second son was severely autistic and thimerosal (a preservative in some vaccines) was implicated, we became more cautious.
Autism does not work that way.
Somewhere along the way we found out about the aborted fetal cells, too.
Vaccines do not work that way.
I have a pet hunch that, instead of thimerosal, a curse borne of those cells may be the culprit...
Reality does not work that way.
@Noir the Sable
"I'm sorry, what do vaccines have to do with aborted fetal cells?"
The rubella vaccine was cultured from the remains of aborted fetuses with congenital rubella syndrome. The cells are not actually in the vaccine, and there are no new abortions taking place to support it. Fundies usually only know the first half, and even that is garbled more often than not.
Sorry about your son, my parents could probably sympathize (my brother's got autism as well) but the vaccines have NOTHING to do with it. At least in my family, we think it was probably a genetic fault or something, but that's obviously too sciency for you.
This is where Conspiracy kooks go from cute how-can-adults-believe-that-shit (moon landing hoax, JFK assassination plots, 9/11 truthers) to dangerous. I'll include the birthers willing to commit violence to "take back America" in this. The anti-vax crowd is exposing the public to diseases this country hasn't seen in over 50 years because of paranoid bullshit. Proud?
Fail at autism, and what the fuck is with the last sentence?
#1071137: No, autism is diagnosed at age two, long after vaccines have already been administered. There isn't a link, though.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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