You ask:
There wasn't such a thing as years before the earth existed! ... As is, somebody is going to have to explain to me very slowly why this is even wrong, let alone worthy of being on the mainpage.
There wasn't such a thing as years even before humans started to use it.
"Agonaces of Susa" is a fundie, because he falls into the classic fundie trap: He thinks that beliefs are what forms reality. Thats the reason why fundies are so irritated by facts.
For example, here at FSTDT there was another fundie quote who seriously thought that Pluto does not reflect sunlight anymore after we degraded him to "dwarf planet". He argued that only planets reflect sunlight. This is the same fallacy as to say that "years didn't exist before the earth orbit existed, therefore 13 billion years is a meaningless statement".
Another example: I had once a discussion with a fundie who seriously argued that a "perpetuum mobile" is possible, because it is possible to imagine one. Again the same fallacy. Reality has nothing to do with what we believe, or how we describe it. Unicorns don't pop into existence because they are described in a fairy tale. The distance between New York and San Francisco does not change whether we use miles or kilometers. And time does not disappear when the orbit of earth around the sun is not there.
This is this kind of mindset that leads to dangerous delusions like "Belief moves mountains".
"13.7 billion years ago" is a very meaningful statement. We simply apply our human invented method of time measurement, and use it to describe a certain amount of time. This has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that earth and its orbit didn't exist 13 billion years ago.
"Agonaces of Susa", on the other hand, seems to think that time itself somehow magically disappears or becomes something different when one of the basis of the methods of measurement is not present. And this weird mindset is very worthy of being mentioned in FSTDT.