Free Criticism #moonbat #homophobia

As I have stated elsewhere on this blog, acceptance of faggotry is absolutely required on the Amerikan "Left," whether within the mainstream "Left" or on the fringes of it. Even groups which allegedly don't take a pro-faggot line, such as the Ray O. Light group, are not open about their views on homosexuality. My guess is some old people in control of the ROL group don't want to change the line on this question, while any younger people they recruit probably do, and they would just rather not talk about it than struggle on the question, possibly splitting their already tiny party in the process.

For those interested in the history of the communist movement's attitude towards faggots, it should be noted that it has always universally been negative. Engels was especially visceral in his opposition to faggotry. The German group Neue-Einheit has a webpage titled Unequivocal statements by Friedrich Engels which compiles all the remarks Engels made on the subject. Of particular interest to anyone interested in the theory of the Labor Aristocracy (and the Labor Bureaucracy) are Engels' remarks about the faggot Hasselmann. Basically what we have here is an instance of homosexuals becoming the leaders of the early German Labor Bureaucracy, and being extreme opponents of Marx and Engels. This episode in the radical careers of Marx and Engels should have special importance to anyone who might want to critically review Miriam Frank's Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America to figure out exactly when the Amerikan Labor Aristocracy embraced faggotry wholeheartedly.


Given that all First-World "Maoists" groups will claim that the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was the greatest revolutionary advance in history (or some such garbage), and given that nearly all First-World radiKKKalism requires the acceptance of faggotry, we have an interesting contradiction on our hands. At this point, it seems to me First-World "Maoists" would simply dismiss the issue out of hand, because primary sources are lacking. This will eventually change, and people will see that it is undoubtedly true that faggots were persecuted under the GPCR, and that the CPC has never viewed faggots in anything but a negative light. This opens up the possibly of splitting First-World "Maoism" into two camps: those who, like MIM, refuse to give up the GPCR as symbolizing the greatest revolutionary advance ever, and those who love faggots more than the GPCR as a symbol. More importantly, it opens up the possibility of splitting Third-World Maoists who still adhere to all this dogmatic nonsense from the First-World "Maoists" who won't step away from faggot-worship.

And for those willing to listen, it is also an opportunity to spread the queer-theoretical attacks on homo-nationalism and the homosexual identity that can be found in the works of people like Joseph Massad and Jasbir Puar. This is important for getting people to realize First-World faggots are not only just as parasitic as their straight counterparts, but that imperialism will increasingly rely on faggotry as a rallying call for First-World radiKKKalism to get behind imperialist military campaigns. And the sooner the Third-World realizes that the imperialists and the faggots are joined at the hip, the better off the Third-World will be.



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