Roopilots6 #fundie
Today is: 17 Av 5767
That is 5,767 years since the first man, Adam, first walked the earth. Not everyone holds the non-theistic religious belief of the earth being millions of years old. With modern scientific evidence increasingly supporting the factuality of a young earth, Gods Word is becoming more relevant in todays world. Every year something is found that scientifically proves the validity and accuracy of His word. Archeology continues to find evidence that backs up events written about in the Bible. Yet the world has rejected God as well as those He has chosen to be His people. It isn't dificult to see how tenaciously the world clings to a failed belief system that requires its adherents to believe in the evolutionary time table of millions of years. Simple reverse psychology applies perfectly here. If Genesis had described evolution then we would all be learning the young earth theory in every public schools and colleges. The unatural hatred towards Israel and Christian America proves how the natural man has gone in every direction except towards his own Creator God.