Did anyone ever think of this? Why do you think it takes so long to dig up fossils? They seriously spend years chipping away rock to get one piece of bone. Maybe it's because they're ACTUALLY CARVING THE FOSSILS OUT OF STONE. Fossils are just carved stone. They were not already there. The scientists created them out of nothing.
If you just leave bones lying on the ground, which is how they are left when something dies, they do not fossilize. After years they get broken and smashed, water washes away all the calcium, and nothing is left. Fossils are just another myth to promote evolution and deny the reality of God's work.
I found a fossil at the lake once when I was little. You lose.
[If you just leave bones lying on the ground, which is how they are left when something dies, they do not fossilize. After years they get broken and smashed, water washes away all the calcium, and nothing is left. ]
Wow. You don't have a clue about fossils do you?
The name is lol harpoons.
Why aren't we manning them?
Also, obvious poe is obvious.
If you just leave bones lying on the ground, which is how they are left when something dies, they do not fossilize.
Not all bones are left lying on the ground. Fossils are usually formed when things get quickly buried, such as when they sink into the mud.
No, there is definitely a difference between bone and dirt. They just have to be careful to not damage anything.
Also, they're DINOSAURS. They take a while to find all the parts, and they're large parts too.
No, no, no, no, no...please tell me he's not serious. With a name like that, I wonder...but please, please, PLEASE reaffirm my faith in humanity...
"You gotta wonder why anyone wastes their time with a fake science when they apparently have the sculpting skill to carve a T-rex skeleton out of random rocks in Montana. I know trhe vast conspiracy against christ pays well but couldnt you find other work? "
We don't just do it for the money, we do it for the lulz.
I have heard that satan put fossils in the ground to confuse us, but this takes the fucking cracker and wine!
I guess the important thing to consider is that this little fundie created its own little pearl of wis-dumb...
Jesus Klingon: I'm not going to take what you said TOO seriously, but I wouldn't cite the person's actual age when using that particular line. I knew the basics of fossilization when I was in like 3rd grade. Of course, I was also about the only kid who'd actually dare to use a -gasp- dictionary, so perhaps that says something about the human race in general....
Okay, now for my comment: If the fossils were fake, wouldn't they just make them in factories? Be a lot faster and avoid that particular suspicion (even if it IS retarded), and why would they change their own fabrication? Iguanadon went from a giant iguana to a more bipedal form, and Apatasaurus/Brontosaurus are the SAME dinosaur. Some funky coincidence for 2 conspirators to make the same thing at different times and call them 2 different things....
After years they get broken and smashed, water washes away all the calcium, and nothing is left.
1.The broken and smashed part is true.
2. The fossils found in dried up river beds disagree with you.
3. Bones are more than just calcium, dumbass.
If God can make people out of dirt why can't we make fossils out of rock? Allow us "evolutionists" our little practical jokes, please.
Oh yes, and fossil fuels are also made of stone. We just make it hard to reach to keep the drillers in business.
You Fail Paleontology Forever.
And if you want fossils, you can walk three hundred feet from my parents' front door. Lots of Ordovician limestome filled with sea shells.
"They seriously spend years chipping away rock to get one piece of bone. Maybe it's because they're ACTUALLY CARVING THE FOSSILS OUT OF STONE. Fossils are just carved stone."
Darwinius massilae:
Your argument is invalid.
"They were not already there. The scientists created them out of nothing."
And your 'God' was never there. The fundies you - created him from less than nothing. Your point?
Must be cold living in that river in Egypt. Anything but acknowledgement of the one simple religion-annihilating fact: We have the fossils. The evidence .
We win .
Facts, backed up by hard, solid, physical evidence. Nope, not seeing any evidence to prove the existence of your so-called 'God' - to our satisfaction (because you know that you couldn't, therefore - again - annihilating your religion).
Moral: Facts fuck 'Faith'. Every time.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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