But saying that I made an unsupported claim is like the pot calling the kettle black. Where is the support for your claims? All I see is subjective experience. That's also what I gave you. The difference is that the subjectivity I gave is very obvious in the culture at large. The culture looks down on gluttony/obesity, gossips, and even cheating and divorce, therefore, those sins don't need a "Nashville Statement" to point out the difference between the church and the culture.
It's funny you say we are bleeding believers. The vast majority of churches with declining memberships are the ones that don't preach what the Bible says. Those that affirm homosexuality and the liberal political agenda are losing membership. Those that hold to orthodox teachings and a generally conservative political agenda are growing.
If you were in a church that affirmed all the sins you say it affirmed or enabled, you were in a bad church. There are plenty of those out there, but the good news is that their memberships are declining. If you aren't currently in a good conservative church, I urge you to find one.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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