Salt #conspiracy
Saturn is a Device (Redux)
First, let me plant a seed from my old thread from back in May 2012 (which sorely needs updating, the vids are mostly missing, but i can no longer access it to edit it.)
Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know. TRUTH is HERE NOW
The series i want to share here has 4 parts. i want to start with the 4th in the series so you can hear about the reality of Saturn and what role this device has in our universe. It suggests that Saturn is not a planet, but rather, a hyperdimensional portal or device of some kind, that basically is the regulator of our linear time.
The solar system looks as though it was constructed as a "time trap." since the entities are so interested in governing this portal, i would be willing to postulate that this is the device that brings back Christ. they do not, of course, want this to happen. Christ uses this portal to return. the device is destroyed. liner time is no longer imprisoning us. We are locked into linear time, but it is only temporary. this is why the illuminati want control of the Linear Time Device. Kubrick revealed many of these important facts. the elite know. Kubrick was murdered for trying to tell.
Thread: Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know. TRUTH is HERE NOW
That was old thinking.
My research has changed my theory about this model and it isn't a portal for Christ's return. Quite the contrary. It might not be a portal at all. Merely a device, that locks us into linear time? A signal to the rise of Antichrist?
The trippy thing tho, is that it is changing, shifting. And this change was noticed in Sept 2015 which is when I theorize that the Great Tribulation may have begun. And these timely changes seem to be reflected in Luciferian propaganda programming. Somehow Saturn is regarded as a device connected to Linear time (Cronos), Satan, death, and antichrist. And its dramatically changing as we speak. And the luciferian cube/antichrist symbolism is on a huge rise in 2015/2016.
See these articles:
Something Strange Is Happening Inside Saturn
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What is stirring deep inside Saturn? Strange spiralling ripples in gas giant's rings are revealing the planet's internal structure
Published: 10:50 EST, 29 September 2015 | Updated: 07:07 EST, 4 January 2016
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