LaVoy Was Murdered #conspiracy

Earthquake....Ears Ringing? HAARP

Yesterday, I had 5 distinct "episodes" of ringing in my ears. They were sudden onsets and very high pitched. I knew something was about to happen.

NOW SINCE THIS IS A "CONSPIRACY" SITE...I'm going to tell you what I think is going on.

I think these earthquakes are being caused by HAARP. HAARP signals are known to cause ringing in the ears. HAARP is also known to cause earthquakes. One of the "signatures" of a "HAARP" earthquake is a shallow quake.

Both the Japan EQ and the Ecuador EQ were 10 km deep. Coincidence? NO!

The Japanese EQ and the Ecuador EQ were DIRECTLY Opposite from each other on the globe. Coincidence? NO!

If you don't know how HAARP causes EQ's then this video will explain it in very simple to understand terms. Start watching at 5:13....2 minutes worth of viewing will explain it all.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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